Let me know if that LP ever needs a new home.
I have a Silverburst SG to keep it company.
Your clips are killer.
Thanks man! I am so glad I got to try this pup out.. I don't think that guitar is going anywhere - I'm honestly surprised @itsgoodnow agreed to sell it to me - it's probably the best sounding and best playing Les Paul I've ever played, and I've owned a couple norlin era ones and played a million. It's got a couple of battle scars and dings, but it's in remarkable condition for a 15 year old guitar, as well.
Putting Scott's Roxy pickup in the bridge was instantly a "wow" moment. Sometimes you just luck out and a pickup synergizes with a particular piece of wood, and you just know it's "right." At least with my kind of "standard" Larry wet/dry rig, it was like the heavens opened up and the Angels sang.