I think you are conflating arguments here. Just because a guitar made of composite materials sounds good, that doesn't mean wood type doesn't affect the tone of guitars not made of composite materials. Beyond that, the query being polled is "What wood your guitar is made of has an effect on the sound", this isn't a question of what is better or good enough to a crowd. The question is, is there a difference...
I know two guitars that are "Identical", meaning same model, construction, made of the same woods, same pickups, strings, setup etc. can and likely will sound different. Perhaps it is only a subtle difference, but I don't believe any two of my guitars sound the same, even when they are the "identical". If I can hear a difference between two guitars that are "identical", I'm willing to bet that two guitars that are "different" will sound different too, even when the wood type is the only difference and yes I do have two guitars that are "identical" except for wood choice, and yes they sound different...