Triple Recto Rev G vs "C Modded" Rev G

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Yep; these days in order to be a kool kid you MUST POST DE CLIPZZZZ
It wasn't like this when I first joined this place. I started off here just asking how some amps are that I hadn't yet tried, got some answers to get more honest feedback than magazines would give, occasionally a clip here and there that I appreciated, but guys were not putting so much weight into them like they mean everything about an amp. I always saw these clips more a like a teaser or preview for a cool movie I wanna see later. It’s not the actual movie experience
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It’s true, but because of that those listening should be aware that it doesn’t always translate the same way in person (much like photographs as the visual equivalent) and they can decide if they are mostly a recording guy they may not need to splurge for certain versions and if they prefer playing gear in person can see for themselves. The problem is if they’re the latter then they’ll be in for some big disappointments if they rely on clips. Recording and photographs ultimately are virtual substitutes. It’s great we have them, but it’s never the same as experiencing it in person. 2 different girls (or any person) can also look similarly attractive in photos, but not even close in person

ive bought my hermansson, cameron, monomyth and plenty others based off iphone clips, ive never experienced this big disappointment :dunno: if im standing next to my rig playing and put my iphone in my shirt pocket and record a video, it looks and sounds exactly as i hear it playing back. i know ive spent years now learning to capture accurate to the room recordings as many others here have, and when ITR'ers chime into threads about two amps in a properly recorded mix and start going on about "in the room", which is irrelevant to the discussion, then start implying dont believe your ears and clips dont matter because the popular amp isnt quite up to par on that particular recording, im sure you can understand some of the guys putting work in to record maybe not wanting to hear all that. im sure if the popular amp did win the discussion would be how "this clip accurately shows why X amp is best...". i think its all great entertainment though, this topic is like the gift that keeps on giving lol
ive bought my hermansson, cameron, monomyth and plenty others based off iphone clips, ive never experienced this big disappointment :dunno: if im standing next to my rig playing and put my iphone in my shirt pocket and record a video, it looks and sounds exactly as i hear it playing back. i know ive spent years now learning to capture accurate to the room recordings as many others here have, and when ITR'ers chime into threads about two amps in a properly recorded mix and start going on about "in the room", which is irrelevant to the discussion, then start implying dont believe your ears and clips dont matter because the popular amp isnt quite up to par on that particular recording, im sure you can understand some of the guys putting work in to record maybe not wanting to hear all that. im sure if the popular amp did win the discussion would be how "this clip accurately shows why X amp is best...". i think its all great entertainment though, this topic is like the gift that keeps on giving lol
It’s been mixed my experience with amps I bought based on clips, but in either case what I found is those types of clips you mentioned are generally good at showing the overall flavor of the amps, but often don’t seem to capture a lot of details that come through in person and that’s really for me the special part, not just the overall flavor. I’m not though actually anti-clip. I just see it as a separate way of using gear than in person and what works best in one scenario may not in the other. I respect it and you and VESmedic make great clips. I’ve only said good things about the way your guy’s clips sound. I just don’t like when guys make some assumptions around it like how it would translate in person and a few others. To me it’s its own type of art
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It’s been mixed my experience with amps I bought based on clips, but in either case what I found is those types of clips you mentioned are generally good at showing the overall flavor of the amps, but often don’t seem to capture a lot of details that come through in person and that’s really for me the special part, not just the overall flavor. I’m not though actually anti-clip. I just see it as a separate way of using gear than in person and what works best in one scenario may not in the other. I respect it and you and VESmedic make really good clips. I’ve only said good things about the way your guy’s clips sound. I just don’t like when guys make some assumptions around it like how it would translate in person and a few others. To me it’s its own type of art

We all appreciate the effort when it comes to clips. But clips don't tell the feel, or the thump/power of an amp that has the ability to 'hit' you vs just get loud; amps that have higher plate voltage for instance. Wizards don't translate on clips, SLOs, many old Marshalls, the list can go on and on.
Clips are cool and thanks to all that provide them...sincerely. But they simply won't, and really can't tell the whole story.

We all appreciate the effort when it comes to clips. But clips don't tell the feel, or the thump/power of an amp that has the ability to 'hit' you vs just get loud; amps that have higher plate voltage for instance. Wizards don't translate on clips, SLOs, many old Marshalls, the list can go on and on.
Clips are cool and thanks to all that provide them...sincerely. But they simply won't, and really can't tell the whole story.
Some clips I think can give some sense of the thump (mics with more lows than a 57 I think can help too), especially comparison clips, but to me the main thing that seems to be hardest to capture are details that make some gear sound especially complex or 3D. If I just went off of clips I wouldn’t get the appeal of a Dumble, Klon or ‘60’s Alnico Blues (some of Segeborn’s clip made them sound especially underwhelming) and you probably remember how I crossed Altecs off my list for a while just because of Segeborn’s clip (huge mistake I made lol). Clips can be great and some are way better than others, but if we’re using this as a way to pick stuff we are at the mercy of how good they are at recording (just like with a photographer taking pics. Also it’s own art), where in person I can just play one powerchord on a Rev C even through a subpar cab and guitar and it still sounds amazing and growls like nothing else
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@Racerxrated @braintheory

Alright alright guys…reading back that post of mine came across as douchey and negative - not what I want to contribute to the universe with this time I have here. Wasn’t attacking anyone but got tired of reading “recorded tones don’t matter”.

Personally, I of course don’t care whether you do or don’t record. But recorded guitar tones are not universally useless- that’s just silly. They might be useless to you on your gear journey- which is of course totally fine.

But considering the amount of cool gear you guys have, I’m sure you could provide some really valuable info if you do ever decide to give it a shot…which I hope you do.
@Racerxrated @braintheory

Alright alright guys…reading back that post of mine came across as douchey and negative - not what I want to contribute to the universe with this time I have here. Wasn’t attacking anyone but got tired of reading “recorded tones don’t matter”.

Personally, I of course don’t care whether you do or don’t record. But recorded guitar tones are not universally useless- that’s just silly. They might be useless to you on your gear journey- which is of course totally fine.

But considering the amount of cool gear you guys have, I’m sure you could provide some really valuable info if you do ever decide to give it a shot…which I hope you do.
It’s all good. I respect recordings and don’t at all think they’re useless. I just don’t like when some guys read into them too much or assume too much about what may or may not translate in person. That is all. Recording is it’s own art that is also great

I just didn’t like the assumption that we don’t do anything artistic or creative. I’m a classical guitarist, used my gear to re-amp 2 of my friend’s albums and one of my own we’re currently working on (he handles the recording parts of it) and I do occasionally attempt to make close mic’d clips (not that I’m great at it). I just prefer to stay more anonymous on here and share that stuff with others privately, but I’m more than happy to pm you some in the future
@Racerxrated @braintheory

Alright alright guys…reading back that post of mine came across as douchey and negative - not what I want to contribute to the universe with this time I have here. Wasn’t attacking anyone but got tired of reading “recorded tones don’t matter”.

Personally, I of course don’t care whether you do or don’t record. But recorded guitar tones are not universally useless- that’s just silly. They might be useless to you on your gear journey- which is of course totally fine.

But considering the amount of cool gear you guys have, I’m sure you could provide some really valuable info if you do ever decide to give it a shot…which I hope you do.
Dude, your clips ALWAYS sound killer. Like, if I wanted to sell an amp I'd ship it to you to record killer. And, of course recorded clips are absolutely useful and for most, give a great representation of gear that someone may want to buy.
Everyone buys gear and participates for different reasons....gigging, recording, playing at home for simple size definitely doesn't fit all here on RT.
"All of this is supposed to lead to something of some kind of substance, writing/playing actual music. That’s my point. We ALL focus on way too much bullshit that pulls us away from that."

Dude, this statement tells all. I get that you come from a recording background, and know your shit. I appreciate that, and esp the help you give to others in this regard.
But, ^^that statement is a little 'assuming' no? This is YOUR opinion on WHAT should be happening on this forum. News Flash: Not everyone here RECORDS. It's great that guys do; more power to them. But you seem to want to 'mock' those of us who simply love to play our rigs, at home for our own enjoyment. Because we don't 'record' or 'create' or whatever you think someone here SHOULD do. I record phone clips all the time and send them to a few dudes here. But I'm not interested in the rabbit hole of buying another 57, then a different exp mic, then all the other shit I'd have to buy. Sorry. Not interested. Maybe I will in the future?

Honestly, there's a sub forum here for guys who record. Maybe that's where you need to spend more of your time? Just so you can stay 'unoffended' by threads that talk about spendy, rare gear.

I really don’t man, I played live for years wayyyyy before I got into pro audio, much like everyone else here. I’m not mocking anyone here, I think you are kind of taking my statement out of context. I’m not making records or playing huge ass shows anymore either. What you quoted wasn’t a direct comment at rig talk and people on this forum, it’s modern guitar playing in general. Yes, that’s how I feel, we tinker with too much bullshit, too much shiny shit catches our attention ( YouTube, social media, forums, gear) and we forget what playing an instrument is supposed to be about…don’t believe me? What do you think of modern songwriting, be it ANY genre, compared to not even 15-20 years ago even? I think there is a definite correlation. It’s far too easy to get great sounds for little to NO money today in your bedroom or even on stage, but that leads to monotony, and everyone using the same shit ( IR’s, samples, whatever). Everything is watered down. So yes, I do feel we as players get way too far off into the weeds with not doing what we picked up the guitar for in the first place.
I really don’t man, I played live for years wayyyyy before I got into pro audio, much like everyone else here. I’m not mocking anyone here, I think you are kind of taking my statement out of context. I’m not making records or playing huge ass shows anymore either. What you quoted wasn’t a direct comment at rig talk and people on this forum, it’s modern guitar playing in general. Yes, that’s how I feel, we tinker with too much bullshit, too much shiny shit catches our attention ( YouTube, social media, forums, gear) and we forget what playing an instrument is supposed to be about…don’t believe me? What do you think of modern songwriting, be it ANY genre, compared to not even 15-20 years ago even? I think there is a definite correlation. It’s far too easy to get great sounds for little to NO money today in your bedroom or even on stage, but that leads to monotony, and everyone using the same shit ( IR’s, samples, whatever). Everything is watered down. So yes, I do feel we as players get way too far off into the weeds with not doing what we picked up the guitar for in the first place.
Agree 100%. Modern music, songwriting and production is shit compared to 15-20 years ago. So much of it is sooooo formulaic, predictable, corporate, generic, overproduced.. I’ve always been a huge fan of underground music for those reasons, especially metal. I also despise when they remix or remaster classic recordings, it’s blasphemy.
Finally listened with headphones. The G seems to have a little more bite or edge. The C doesn't cut as much.
I think there's a reason they kept updating this amplifier, they weren't happy with the tone until they got to the G revision.
I think there's a reason they kept updating this amplifier, they weren't happy with the tone until they got to the G revision.
The reason for the difference between a Rev c and a g is greatly influenced by the transition from the 80s to the 90s in terms of hair metal falling out of favor and grunge and nu metal blowing up.
Then again I was born in 96 so who fucking knows lol
I think there's a reason they kept updating this amplifier, they weren't happy with the tone until they got to the G revision.
Well the one thing that did get better with revisions in the green mode, which got complaints, so my theory has been they wanted to improve that, but the other channels got a bit compromised

The revisions also didn’t technically stop at G since coming out with the 3ch version (which had sub revisions even within that) and then the roadster/Roadking and MW 3ch. It seems to me with a lot of amp revisions they may improve it functionally/feature-wise, maybe improve a channel that was never its forte anyway and then in retrospect what really made the amp special in the first place was at its best the first time lol
The reason for the difference between a Rev c and a g is greatly influenced by the transition from the 80s to the 90s in terms of hair metal falling out of favor and grunge and nu metal blowing up.
Then again I was born in 96 so who fucking knows lol
That’s one I don’t get either. I’ve played Rev C’s with serial #’s as low in the teens and low 40’s (one of which I have) and to me they still have a ‘90’s flavor regardless if famous bands didn’t use it. If I were to play a hair metal song it wouldn’t be one of my first choices. I would go with my SLO, Marshall or modded Marshall, Steavens or even maybe the Hell Razor over it
I’d just like to thank everyone for not posting any dick clips.
I just sold a Rev D. To ME the rectifier to have, and the best sounding, is Rev F! That’s the sound I have in my head of a perfect rectifier. Definitely not a Hermansson.

The GZ sounds good too!