And the following is from Robert Hull in the Tube Amp Builders group. Seems to agree with my sentiments. The method works, but it's worth knowing what you're dealing with:
2a - plate current (break) method using passive bias adapters
tools required:
current meter, 0 - 200mA DC
bias adapter with serial plate circuit access (ex: early EuroTubes bias probes)
speaker / dummy load
This biasing method uses specially designed adapters that break the plate circuit. EuroTubes offers this type of biasing probe. The banana plugs are connected to a current meter. With this adapter, the highest voltages in the amp are accessible at the banana plugs, therefore there is a chance of shock when not installed in the current meter. This is a very accurate method of testing
ease – 4
Math needed - none
accuracy - 5
safety - 2
expense - 3
Pros - this is one of the most accurate measurement methods
Cons - rather unsafe because the measurement requires extending the most dangerous voltages of the amp out to the meter.
You can see the full post here: