Tweaker 40 great but I'm worried

  • Thread starter Thread starter mrguano
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oops, my response to you was actually meant for someone else on another post, sorry. When I got rid of the Blackstar I traded it in for a Rebel 30 and a 2x12 cab and like you found it just not enough so I swopped it for a Renegade, they are only £100 more and are basically 2 Rebel 30s. The 30 to 1 watt is a sound thing not a volume reduction thing, it helps you break up more as you dig in as you turn it down. It does have a master volume so you can turn it down and still keep the thump, thats what Egnater does really well. Try swopping the signal wires over, that just may get the reverb switching on and off with your Octa, an easy try if you have a old cable. To say sorry I have a full set of JJ tubes that I got for my 30 and then changed the amp so never used them, if you want PM me and you can have them for £10+post, I'm sure i moved them the other day.
dear mrguano. you have mentioned a guitar tech troubleshooting your malfunctioning amps? You would be better served enlisting the aid of an AMP TECH. A simple thing to put a scope on it and signal trace it. Or take tube pin readings with a digital multi tester.this would eliminate 90% of the bull crap you are hearing. you are my first post at this forum. ive repaired numerous amps but do not do it professionally. Only my friends locally.matter of fact. as long as you have your health.. the hell with the amps...
No schematics available. Good luck with your "A simple thing to put a scope on it and signal trace it." :lol: :LOL:

How many Egnater amps have you repaired?

No "bull crap", it really sucks. ;)
Dear Shimmilou Thank you for the warm welcome.. I have found no verified schemo for the tweeker 40. I have repaired no egnater amps. Matter of fact my own tweaker40 head died a month ago.A scope gives a time/voltage picture of what a signal is doing.A 6L6 tube reacts the same way whether its in a Fender or an Egnater. A schemo is not needed to diagnose the amp. As long as the amp will stay on and not trip a fuse its a simple thing for an amp tech to sort it out. Again thank you for the warm welcome and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.....
Sorry dude, welcome!

My 40 has died twice, both times the mains fuse blows with no tubes installed. Less than one year old, still under warranty. I do repair amps professionally, use a scope, DMM, signal gen, etc, etc (all useless when the amp won't stay on, blown transformer). I'm sure that you didn't repair your own Egnater for the same reason as me, no schematics, proprietary parts, a new amp should have a decent warranty not voided by tinkering with it, and contrary to what you've stated, not so simple to troubleshoot. Another clue is to ask around for techs that repair Egnater amps, and add warranty repair to that, not many. ;)

On the other hand, give me almost any Fender amp, no problem, schematics available, off-the-shelf parts available, great support, night and day difference.

Heck, if it is so simple, please post about your success repairing your own amp if/when you do. :rock:
i'm a stess engineer for code enforcement. took a few elect classes. still not sure where i gave you the impression that it would be easy to repair a tweeker. why i won't try..
#1 i have a wrranty.. probably useless. had amp less than a year..
#2 i have a healthy fear of heavy iron..
#3 hate pcbs.

Frankly. my warranty is not going to be honored. Bruce Egnater screwed me. and others it happens. I'm not a kid. I don't feel the amp would warrant the expense of a custom P/T. Another egnater would would probably go, as yours. which is bull crap...
mrguanos tweeker. not seeing it. cold solder joint. off chance a quirky bias supply.. best regards. i do feel a little better after venting..
Sorry for the trouble.
#1) Why is your warranty not being honored?
#2) Please clarify your "fear of heavy iron"?
#3) Why do you hate circuit boards? Why do you buy products that have circuit boards if you hate them?

Please understand you are in another country. If I could personally look at your amp I would certainly do so. It is the responsibility of our distributor to take care of service problems. If they are not, we would like to know about it. Please email me at and tell me what I can try to do to help.
I think I am mistaken? You ARE in the US? If so, I am even more confused how "Bruce Egnater screwed you" and why your amp warranty is "useless". Please explain.
I don't know if you received email I sent Sat nov 26. If not, I was responding to someone who is in UK. Hence, your confusion. I purchased a tweaker 40 last feb. went dark sept. tried to get RA last sept.blows fuses with tubes re moved. Was told by Josh to call him to troubleshoot. Left 3 messages in a week. Nothing, nada, zippo, sweet, it's late November, any wonder why I would question the validity of your warranty?? Looking around at other Egnater amp owners, there seems to be a problem with communicating..
Dear Bruce , called Nate nov 28 no response. Is it good manners to call repeatedly or leave an email?