Twin Jet help

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The KT88s take it to a new level. Another key is biasing it hot (around 64% dissipation). I had it way too cold, and it just didn't sound or feel like it should. It's incredible now.
True about biasing. I usually run my tubes in that range or slightly hotter depending on how the power section feels.
No shit?! Rev2 with Kt88?? :confused: I always preferred the Rev2 over the TJ, nothing bad about the TJ of course :thumbsup:
How does the Rev2 sounds with the Kt88 compared to the El34s? What's the main difference? It's very interesting. Do I need any mode in order to use them?
Thanks bro. :rock:
The KT88s take away a bit of the rich midrange and roundness of the EL34s, but they make the amp more aggressive, tame the highs a bit, tighten and deepen the bottom end, and scoop the mids a bit. It still retains its more organic, "wet" tone. I also strangely prefer the cleans now.

You have to add a resistor to get it to bias properly, but honestly the KT88s make it a very different animal. Not necessarily better, but different. I'm very glad that I have the bias switch because I could see myself missing the EL34s eventually.