Holy shit... 6 hours of tube rolling.
As to your question regarding the TJ (in particular)
- Kept the 6550s in there, they just needed a biasing tweak
- Believe it or not, was undecided to go with the Jan-GE 5751 in V1 or a nice clean Ei Yugo ECC83
- Went with the 5751, it opened the amp up perfectly
- LPS in the PI slot
- TAD 7025S in the others
The difference the 5751 made, given that it's supposed to be, what, 70% the gain of a normal 12AX7?? Don't know - but the amp had this immediacy to it with said tube in V1. Just punching hard knocking immediacy. I also noticed (Purple Mod, BTW) where Ch.1 left off, Ch.2 easily picked up... I preferred Ch.1 over Ch.2 for most of the testing I did, but I know with fiddling more on the EQ, I can get Ch.2 to blaze. I was just stunned at how incredible Ch.1 sounded with this lead preamp tube in place. Dead quiet - and then explosive thunder with fantastic clarity.
Done. I'm f*cking dizzy now