Updated tourmaster

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Hi guys
I'm considering pulling the trigger on a 4212. I've got it on a couple of days demo from my dealer.

Having read about the original tranny problems, I want to check to see if this one has the redesigned one.

I have emailed Nate but pending his reply, does anyone know if there's an easy way to check? The serial number starts with 0808 and finishes with M (not hand written).

The M in the serial number means it's the modified version, IIRC.
thanks Squank.

I thought the "m" referred to the flubby low end capacitor mod though... :confused:
The M has nothing to do with the transformer. It's the low end.
From your dealer, I'd assume this is new? Floor model? All the ones with tranny problems were first-run models '08-into '09. The hand-written "M" was just an indicator for a timeline to try to narrow it down to "early version". Mine was first-run with a bad one. That doesn't mean it should scare you off. These forums tend to scare people, like a plane crash, doesn't happen very often but the effects make you think twice before getting on that plane. Besides, they replaced it for free anyways. Ask your dealer when that amp came in, otherwise, pull the trigger. Wouldn't worry about it.
lordofthestrings":1chkq3v3 said:
thanks Squank.

I thought the "m" referred to the flubby low end capacitor mod though... :confused:
Sorry, man, I read your question too fast and answered the wrong question. The M in the serial # refers to the low end mod. They hand wrote them on the very first models they modded, and later it became a printed part of the serial #.
analog_stud":3vdgo2fm said:
From your dealer, I'd assume this is new? Floor model? All the ones with tranny problems were first-run models '08-into '09. The hand-written "M" was just an indicator for a timeline to try to narrow it down to "early version". Mine was first-run with a bad one. That doesn't mean it should scare you off. These forums tend to scare people, like a plane crash, doesn't happen very often but the effects make you think twice before getting on that plane. Besides, they replaced it for free anyways. Ask your dealer when that amp came in, otherwise, pull the trigger. Wouldn't worry about it.

Yep, floor model. Very good point about forums.. The fact that the M is printed leads me to think it's a second run or later model anyways.
I'm sure Egnater guys will let me know for sure. I'll check with the dealers records too. I really want this thing, it sounds fantastic. It's worth putting up with the huge weight!
Ha ha ha ha! That's EXACTLY what I thought. Everybody complains about the weight. Big woop! What do you expect? This thing sounds FANTASTIC! Don't even get me started on problems the brand-new Marshall's have had (with, pretty much, null customer support).
funny you should say that A_S, I have been through numerous amps in the last 18 months or so. Ironically started with a Rebel 30, sounded friggin sweet, and then started buzzing, and I let the internet "reliability" buzz get to me (there we go again)..returned it, went through Rivera/Mesa/Hughes and Kettner, then last week tried a Marshall JMD1- I was intrigued.

It spoiled Friday's gig for me- now I love the Marshall sound, but I couldn't dial out this nasal unpleasantness , and even had one of the crowd come up to me and tell me how muddy it was. Now I'm sure there's a learning curve, and could be dialled in eventually, but with it being programmable, you can't just tweak your levels on the fly and the knobs aren't necessarily WYSIWYG..

anyway...I go into mu local store on Saturday and see the Tourmaster. Bring it home, and at Wife pleasing levels only, I'm back with a smile on my face. Lord only knows what it's going to sound like at gig levels next week. Because I live in Canada, just don't want to have to start waiting for a new tranny if necessary and have to do the transplant. Like you say, I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm pulling the trigger.. :D
Go for it!

The TM is a great head. I owned one for several years. The only drawback was the weight!
confirmed- it's an early production model. Dammit. I can't chance the grief. I'll either order another one or get a different model.
The factory would warranty the transformer "if it fails". Fair enough.
Given that the first run transformers were "faulty" (Ian E's words on several forums), would it be unreasonable to get an updated transformer prior to it failing in the same way that if a car is known to have a faulty part, it is recalled and a known working part is installed?

My point is, that Murphy's law dictates that if the transformer is going to fail, it will fail before or during a gig. So waiting for that occurrence is russian roulette..
That's not saying it WILL fail, just the ones that happen to, were all earlier runs. I got lucky when mine failed at rehearsals. You can get one to be safe, but it's gonna cost ya! ;)
I have a first run TM head. Sent it in for the "M" mod. John Ewing did it. Had it for almost 2 years. Never had a single problem with it. Change power grid settings all the time to fit the situtation. Change the ohmage depending cab or how I'm running it. Most often running it into a TM2x12 which I can run both speakers at 8 ohms, or each/either/or/ individually at 16 each. I dont use effects with this amp but do use the loop as a solo boost. THAT will get the attention of your band mates.
This gets used 3-4 hours a week in my home recording studio/rehearsal space.

I too first heard the combo, and thought YEAH! Then tried picking it up, to an immediate NO. The head and cab in total probably weights more then the combo but much easier to move individually. Bless you Bruce for including casters on that cab!

Duff, when it went in for the M mod, did they indicate to you whether they'd upgraded the transformer at the same time?

Egnater should take this as a big compliment, and that is certainly what is intended. This amp is just ridiculously good. +1 for the casters!

I'm really trying to find a way to buy it, as apparently it would take them a few weeks to get one, secondly it would be more expensive, and thirdly, I have a gig on Saturday.

I do more gigs than rehearsals though, so if it fails, I'm screwed. It's not like tube going when you can quickly go to the spares box.. :aww:
lordofthestrings":262bz6mz said:
The factory would warranty the transformer "if it fails". Fair enough.
Given that the first run transformers were "faulty" (Ian E's words on several forums), would it be unreasonable to get an updated transformer prior to it failing in the same way that if a car is known to have a faulty part, it is recalled and a known working part is installed?

My point is, that Murphy's law dictates that if the transformer is going to fail, it will fail before or during a gig. So waiting for that occurrence is russian roulette..

I don't handle the warranty stuff, so I can't speak for what their policy will be in this situation, but if you want to send an e-mail to nate@egnateramps.com, or hans@egnateramps.com, they will be able to give you an answer about this before you buy the amp. Just make sure you give them the serial number when you contact them.
Thanks Ian.

I've been in contact with Nate, and he tells me that he'd warranty the transformer "if" it failed.
So no retrofit.

Like I say, if these original transformers had a flaw, which I think everyone agrees on, when it fails, it's too late, I'm in a pickle. I don't play it "at home". I earn money using it but don't have the luxury of taking backups.

If Egnater aren't retrofitting the flawed transformers, I think I'd even consider buying one if the price is sensible, to try and ensure peace of mind. (not 100% possible with valve amps anyway, I realise that).

Does Nate/Hans deal with that stuff too?
interesting. The risk/reward factor here is swinging backwards..
Well, I guess USA customers get more attention.
I have to deal with international sales dept, they always seem to be too busy to read my emails. (Hello Gustavo)