Well-known member
Alot of people like the Suhr reactive load over alot of other reactive loads on the market.3ch recto slave out is all off the output transformer, when I use my recto I usually run it into a reactive load then run the slave out to my axe FX for effects (then into a solidstate poweramp and cab).
The recto, especially in modern mode, I think sounds awful with my hotplate. A quality load like the suhr is much better sounding. Though if you’re running the slave out into a tube power amp maybe it’s less noticeable.
The THD will work it's just a matter of if it sounds good to him. I don't care for the THD lineout but I don't use the THD as a pure load for my amps. I use a Rivera Rockcrusher to attnuate my amps down and then use the Suhr Iso line out.