Using two devices with 4-cable method (ReVolt and HX Effects)

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Dane Collins
Dane Collins
New member
I got the ReVolt, and I enjoy it, but I can't get it to work with my HX Effects, which requires the 4-cable method to put some effects in front of the preamp and others in the loop.

I'm using the ReVolt, the HX Effects, and a Revv G20 amp.

Here are the diagrams:


I tried these two cabling orders (among others) but nothing seems to work:

Guitar → HX Input
HX Send → ReVolt Input
ReVolt Send → Revv Input

Option 1
Revv Send → HX Return
HX Output → ReVolt Return
ReVolt Out → Revv Return

Option 2
Revv Send → ReVolt Return
ReVolt Out → HX Return
HX Output → Revv Return

I know this is confusing, but I'm sure I won't be the only person with this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Note: I've also tried just using the HX 4-cable method but bypassing the Revv preamp like this:

  1. Guitar → HX Input
  2. HX Send → ReVolt Input
  3. ReVolt Send → HX Return
  4. HX Output → Revv Return

It also doesn't work. It's like the HX Effects is going direct into my preamp and the ReVolt does nothing.
If I understand you correctly, you want to use the HX as a multi effects unit before hitting the preamp circuit of the revolt, then send the whole thing out to your revv amp. If so then I would try:

Guitar into Revolt
Revolt send to HX in
HX out to Revolt Return
Revolt out to Revv amp

Don't use the send / return on the HX. Just think of it as a bunch of pedals connected together that don't have an effects loop and it will do what you want.
I tried these two cabling orders (among others) but nothing seems to work:

Guitar → HX Input
HX Send → ReVolt Input
ReVolt Send → Revv Input

Option 1
Revv Send → HX Return
HX Output → ReVolt Return
ReVolt Out → Revv Return

Option 2
Revv Send → ReVolt Return
ReVolt Out → HX Return
HX Output → Revv Return

I know this is confusing, but I'm sure I won't be the only person with this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Guitar into Hx input

Hx send to ReVolt input

Revolt send to Revv input

Revv send to ReVolt return

ReVolt out to Hx return

Hx out to Revv return

I believe that’s what you’re describing in Option 2. That should allow you to:
1) use the Revv preamp as well as the 3 in ReVolt
2) have effects from the HX before ReVolt and amp
3) place time based effects after the preamps

Remember to activate the 4 cable method on ReVolt. Remember to place and configure the effects loop correctly in your Hx chain. Remember to activate effects loops in all three units. I know these are basic things, but they can sometimes be easily overlooked when setting up a more complex configuration. Please keep us posted on your progress with figuring this out
Hello @Dane Collins,

Technically Option N°2 of your initial message will work. When the 4CM switch on ReVolt is positioned on I (ON), the signal will go either through the Revv's preamp (no channel activated on ReVolt) or through ReVolt's channels when one is active.
As @DTMguitar has outlined in his reply, it is worth checking the effects loop setting in the HX, as well as making sure that the 4CM switch is on the relevant position.
Also, it is worth checking that all connections are done with TS jack cables (instrument cables).
I tried that cabling, exactly, and it didn't work. In fact, it was confusing, because I get a clean tone, but if I change channels on the Revv, nothing happens, and if I change channels on the ReVolt, nothing it seems neither is working. I'm guessing it's just the HX going right into the power amp and bypassing BOTH preamps.

I'm using TS instrument cables. I do have the 4 cable method activated on the ReVolt. I know there's nothing to do on the Revv except plug them in. And as far as I can tell, there's nothing to do on the HX Effects except plug them in, either. There's no switch on the unit and nothing in the software, and I've watched a couple of videos, and all they show is plugging in the cables. Maybe that's where I'm missing something, but I don't believe so.

I'd also be willing to bypass the Revv preamp, but I tried that, too, and still nothing.

I did get it working by bypassing the Revv preamp (using only the ReVolt into the Revv return) and putting the HX Effects only in the loop, but that's the only way I've managed it. I can also put the HX entirely in front of the amp, but that's not an option, because I use it for its reverbs and delays, which sound terrible in front of the amp.

I appreciate the help!