For years I used USPS Priority regularly to ship smaller items. It was always reliable and a good value, that is up until about two years ago and it has just gotten worse. I am not exaggerating when I say almost every single package I have shipped or had sent to me via USPS Priority in the past year or two has gotten lost or misdirected. They eventually arrive where they're supposed to go, but it may be as much as a week or even two later than it was supposed to. My wife has had the same experience and a couple of friends who I've talked to expressed the same, so this can't just be my isolated experience.
Last week I ordered a bunch of stuff from Amplified Parts and it qualified for free shipping...which turned out to be USPS Priority. I thought to myself, what are the chances this one gets lost or waylaid too? Well, I was supposed to get it this past Monday and it was already in nearby Atlanta last Friday...but ever since it has just ominously said that it is "in transit - arriving late." Where'd it go? Where will it end up next? Maybe it will go somewhere fun and tropical, or maybe it will go for a rugged Alaskan excursion. I can't wait to find out, that is if it ever emerges from this black hole.
At this point using USPS Priority is like paying extra to make sure your package gets lost and arrives nowhere near on time.