Van Halen - live footage from Cafe Wha

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supersonic":1vo0ysie said:
Wow great vibe. Wolfie and Alex are smokin'. :rock: I agree that Eds' tone sucks on the 5153 but it's kinda cool to own your own music brand, so he's gotta set the example. I got a little exited to hear a new song 'till I read it was off an old demo. Come on guys, it's not that hard to write a new song!
I would have to agree. I want to hear "new" creativity to prove they still have it.

I don't agree as much on the assessment on Ed's tone. I thought it sounded damn good through an overloaded cheap camara mic. I like that his tone sounds more raw with less of that deep constant modulation he always liked to use (especially in the Sammy era).
nevusofota":1o9e4mpz said:
I like that his tone sounds more raw with less of that deep constant modulation he always liked to use (especially in the Sammy era).

Agreed. I put my earbuds in and actually listened. If you take into account the crappy cell mics; you can tell it sounded great in that room. And if your bored by the performance...then you obviously don't have a soul :lol: :LOL: AVH and WVH have that shit wired tight and Wolfie's tone and style is so VH. I miss Mike's vox but too me, they really haven't sounded this tight since some of the early live bootlegs I have. Just my opinion...
I did not play along,It sounds like it is tuned down for the vocals. sounds good,Hard to tell with youtube though.
dave's storytelling rap is as much a part of live vh as eddie's playing. i loved the rap about the old days playing pasadena and san bernardino

anyone trying to judge the sound of the gtr tone from these audience bootlegs with the screaming asian is better off holding a drinking glass to neal schon's crotch with one ear and arguing the merits of greg rolle's puka shell necklace :scared:

that tatoo clip seemed a little too dave heavy in the mix ala eatum and smile/solo albums

a real VH mix is the band cranked, the bass low in the mix and floppy, eddie brown sound, and DLR telling crazy stories or screaming to be heard over the brothers. in the same way vh isn't vh without roth, it also isn't vh without the brown sound.

my early vh albums were sacred as a kid. the other day i found that vh cd with the fat guy in front of the cannon in the garage and i couldn't recount one second of what was on that cd.

mentoneman":3g5v8mnf said:
that tatoo clip seemed a little too dave heavy in the mix ala eatum and smile/solo albums


That "tatoo" clip should only sound half as good as anything on Eat Em and Smile. If it sounded as huge as say Yankee Rose, I would be waiting in anticipation for the album in full salute. It seemed way watered down, like something something off of VHIII or the last Sammy era Van Halen album such as Humans Being. Not what I expected.
Judging tone from a cell phone is hilarious :lol: :LOL:

I guarantee that the tone was amazing in that room :yes:
supersonic":3mk7g5hv said:
Wow great vibe. Wolfie and Alex are smokin'. :rock: I agree that Eds' tone sucks on the 5153 but it's kinda cool to own your own music brand, so he's gotta set the example. I got a little exited to hear a new song 'till I read it was off an old demo. Come on guys, it's not that hard to write a new song!

I suspect you'll hear new material on the album. I think they may be on to something here. I believe Eddie actually lacks a lot of confidence in his playing/writing; thus the substance problems. I've read more than one interview where they discussed possible music releases and he was always very unsure. His general stance was that if they put out all new material written in present day, fans would hate it because it didn't sound like the old VH. However, if they put out all older material, they'd get slagged for not being current and riding on the past. Adding in some of these older songs that never made it a record may be the solution to that. Nothing they write today is going to be like the old VH. People grow, change.

In the end though, his other opinion was that no matter what they do, lots of people will criticize them for it and everyone will download the record anyway without buying it. He's probably right.
bsp01":23zprviw said:
In the end though, his other opinion was that no matter what they do, lots of people will criticize them for it and everyone will download the record anyway without buying it. He's probably right.

Its Van Halen, I have every cd and this one will be no different.. I will be first in line to buy it when it hits the stores.
rrobertson":2yrutldy said:
bsp01":2yrutldy said:
In the end though, his other opinion was that no matter what they do, lots of people will criticize them for it and everyone will download the record anyway without buying it. He's probably right.

Its Van Halen, I have every cd and this one will be no different.. I will be first in line to buy it when it hits the stores.

As will I.
bsp01":ctzte0zo said:
In the end though, his other opinion was that no matter what they do, lots of people will criticize them for it and everyone will download the record anyway without buying it. He's probably right.
This is probably the most true statement about anything new VH. I mean hell, they're already criticized and haven't released anything yet. :lol: :LOL:

I just want to hear some new EVH. I look forward to seeing how DLR performs these days, but truthfully, I'm not in it for DLR, or Sammy, or Cherone. Never was. I'd be content with an Eddie instrumental.
They need to release a live DVD of the last tour. It was perfect in all respects.
Rogue":19h42kjq said:
bsp01":19h42kjq said:
I just want to hear some new EVH. I look forward to seeing how DLR performs these days, but truthfully, I'm not in it for DLR, or Sammy, or Cherone. Never was. I'd be content with an Eddie instrumental.

Couldn't have said it any better :rock: I will add that I'll take Dave singing bad over any other former singer. Hell, they could randomly choose someone from the audience to sing every night karaoke style and I'd go see it :lol: :LOL:
I don't get how a lot of people thinks David Lee Roth sings so bad. Even if his limited range is somewhat more limited now (as nature progress), he sings more in tune, and with all the lyrics that he ever did. Go on YouTube and see what I mean from the 2007 tour. DLR is as much a part of the Van Halen sound as Eddie himself. A lot of vogue DLR bashing going on IMHO.
luther910":10cji9mp said:
I don't get how a lot of people thinks David Lee Roth sings so bad. Even if his limited range is somewhat more limited now (as nature progress), he sings more in tune, and with all the lyrics that he ever did. Go on YouTube and see what I mean from the 2007 tour. DLR is as much a part of the Van Halen sound as Eddie himself. A lot of vogue DLR bashing going on IMHO.
From what little I coild here, he sounded like DLR has always sounded live....not bad, but not his studio voice. I have always thought his recorded voice never really translated to the stage. But man could he put on a show.

The singing on the Tattoo clip reminds of Skyscraper era DLR. I've listened to that clip a few times now, and I get a little more excited about the new album each time. :)
bsp01":uwgiql2b said:
rrobertson":uwgiql2b said:
bsp01":uwgiql2b said:
In the end though, his other opinion was that no matter what they do, lots of people will criticize them for it and everyone will download the record anyway without buying it. He's probably right.

Its Van Halen, I have every cd and this one will be no different.. I will be first in line to buy it when it hits the stores.

As will I.
me too
I thought it was cool as hell to see them back together doing some of the classics together again and am very interested in getting the new album. I did think eds guitar tone in some of the stuff was lacking. I know he probably grew use to the extra gain on tap with his modern rigs but they are missing something when recorded when compared to his plexi. Also his confidence on stage probably isn't the same now that he is sober an may take time to get back. It's gotta be cool for Ed rocking out with his bro and son doing classic vh stuff. I will take Dave doing sign language on stage over sitting through Sammy's ballad rocker stuff or Gary dancing around on stage like a sissy looking so out of place. Woofie killed it on bass and Alex always sounds great to me.