vh4 channel 3 & 4 noise issues.

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should i try a suppressor? It's not real bad, just annoying.
Peter or Olaf,
what is the best 12ax7c that I can get? Or can I use any 12ax7?
Well, they are all a bit different, you know.

Chinese (Ruby) have lots of gain and higher treble
JJs are a bit darker
EHs are full of gain
Sovteks have less gain, less microphonics (a good tube dealer shouldn't sell any micr. tubes though), esp. the Sovtek WA.
WB has a bit more gain, LPS is pretty high gain and only recommended for V1
Sovtek also sells a 7025 (you'll find them at Ruby too), which is smooth sounding

if you go NOS:
RFT: full gain, warm sounding
Telefunken: mucho gain, more treble than RFT
. . .

all for 12AX7s/ECC83s

a JAN GE 5751 has just 70% of a 12AX7s gain, but sounds very very good.

Just some ideas, you know . . . .
how about one of these olaf?JAN Philips 12AX7WA, kind of expensive though. Would this one or the last one you mentioned solve the noise issue? I max the gain no more than 3o'clock on channels 3&4 anyway.
I'd get a couple and try. The Philips is a great tube, very low noise is also the Sovtek 12AX7WA.
dropped in a ruby 12ax7cz which is a jj ec83s. it helped some but it's still there. I'm starting to get a little pissed at this point. over $4000 for an amp and I'm out buying preamp tubes to fix a noise issue. :doh:
sorry-after looking at my post-I sound like a tool. Not trying to be-just aggravated. I still love the vh4.
May sound like a stupid question, but you have the noise with nothing else than guitar and cab plugged to the amp?

Maybe its one of the powertubes. Pull them in pairs and listen if it goes away please.
duesentrieb":1pwsm1pm said:
May sound like a stupid question, but you have the noise with nothing else than guitar and cab plugged to the amp?

Maybe its one of the powertubes. Pull them in pairs and listen if it goes away please.

thanx olaf, I'll try them and let you know.
Peter Diezel":2kircwei said:
Have You solved the problem ?

Hi Peter! I changed the tube but the noise is still there. It seems to be slightly less pronounced now. I'll try Olaf's suggestion's and let you know the results when I'm able.Thanx again.
ich hab genau das selbe problem. kanal 3 und 4 meines vh4s rauschen wirklich extrem (auch wenn ich direkt von der gitarre in den insert des amps gehe). kanal 1 ist völlig störgeräuschlos und auch kanal 2 geht voll in ordnung. bin jetzt gerade effektmässig von einem 19 zoll multiFX (g-major) auf tretminen umgestiegen. als ich noch mein g-major im seriellen loop eingeschleift hatte, hat dies ziemlich viel power (volumen) "gefressen" - dafür hats nicht so dermassen gerauscht (obwohl ich kein noise gate gebraucht habe. das rauschen war minim und kaum unangenehm störend). jetz, wo ich das g-major entfernt habe, kann ich wieder ordentlich power aus dem amp ziehen, hingegen ist leider das rauschen wirklich sehr laut und penetrant. an was könnte das liegen? mir ist klar, dass ich mal die röhren komplett wechseln sollte aber: kann das wirklich nur an den röhren liegen? und wieso hats mit dem g-major nicht so abartige störgeräusche gehabt?

kann mir da jemand helfen? peter? bin echt gerade etwas am verzweifeln... :aww:
Bear in mind that NOS tubes branded 'Philips' can be from any number of tube fabs that were operating during the time that Philips was branding tubes, you have to follow the manufacturer's codes on the tubes.

I've seen Mullards, RFT's, and pre war Ei's branded as Philips. Not that this is a bad thing at all, as NOS tubes are of much higher quality than any of the current production tubes. Mullards were probably some of the best tubes produced, right up there with Amperex, Telefunken, and old blackplate RCA's. The prewar Ei's were really nice sounding tubes as well. --All of them have their own unique sonic signature.

For NOS tubes, Tungsram is also a good choice, as are original production Tesla.
Peter Diezel":39ta0edi said:
mdc":39ta0edi said:
Peter Diezel":39ta0edi said:
Ich würde die Eingangsröhre mal tauschen.

und das sollte dann das problem lösen?

Ja, wenn nicht den Amp bitte schicken.



ok, vielen dank für die hilfe! werde die röhre austauschen lassen und teile dann mit, ob wieder alles in ordnung ist.