Is the SigX still a thing? I owned one for like a quick minute back when and honestly wasn’t blown away with the amp at all. I much preferred my CL100 and MKV to it… I mean it got me a Les Paul in a trade.
+1Still a thing as in still being produced? No, not for quite a few years now. Your best bet at getting Fryette tones these days is with Synergy modules.
I've only ever played one that one of my best friends briefly was a good sounding amp no doubt but to me it kinda seemed like a little bit of all the Fryette sounds lumped together in one amp and then watered down
Something about it just seemed "less than" but then again like I said that's my anecdotal experience with one single amp so YMMV
They certainly don't seem to be as popular as the others
It gets all the different levels and in betweens of Gain. I like a mid gain sound that still feels good under the fingers' The Mark V Crunch is rubbery feeling. Way more controllable at home compared to a Deliverance.. Good for recording.
You can get the sound of a Deliverance on a recording with a Sig.
Same here.I picked up a used one at GC (pre-Covid prices) for $800 and had it about a year. I liked that it was different and it sounded good, but so dry. I preferred everything else I had so I traded it away.
The Synergy Deliverance might be pretty close.I had one for a little bit and always regretted selling it. It had headroom for days and days. I thought it did a really good EVH plexi sound, plus the clean channel was awesome! I’d love to see a Synergy version tbh. Very cool amp.
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