VHT UL possible to "jump" the loop for added gain?

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apophis":3sn5ajnl said:
An ecc81 is the same as a 12at7.....the jj will be darker overall ....I highly recommend getting rid of the eh tubes,they are extremely anemic sounding,quite bright and thin IMHO ......all chinese tubes fare much better with this amp, but one jj tube you COULD like in v1 is the JJ ECC 803...

Try all boost you can find,some will work ok...some i have tried that sound cool with it: bodenhamer bloody murder,way huge green rhino,keeley sd1,krank krankshaft od.

Alright, that's the second vote on the EH, I'm gonna pull the TS from my Mesa and give it a try in the V1, and I'm gonna dump JJ's thru out the amp. I have a bunch of them, pulled them from other amps in the past and let them collect dust. lol I find them to be too dark, but that could be the answer I'm looking for. Damn, can't believe that didn't pop in my mind.

I know with the gain all the way down on the Metal Zone, it still has a lot of bite and grit and I hope it doesn't kill my clean channel.

The clean channel right now, sound amazing! Go figure. lol
xiwiwix":v5jo8qow said:
Damn I wish my I hadn't gotten rid of my 9th Gen Ruby's. I'm gonna look to see what other pre's I have laying around. I have a bunch of JJ's, would you recommend the JJ's George? What do you think about the DRIVER TUBE I put in compared to the DRIVER TUBE it had?
You know Roland, I really don't like JJ tubes. Their pre's are just way too dark/ top end attenuated for me. Their power tubes don't sound good for what I like either. Steve F has a great ear for picking good tubes, so I didn't end up to far from his spec. Generally I tend to run china 12ax7B's in all the slots other than V1 and the 12aT7. The 12ax7wa is a lower gain tube that is also low on microphonics. I liked it for that extra bit of clarity. If you want more saturation run a 12ax7b in V1 instead. That tube is the same as the Ruby, GT etc....alot of companies resell that tube.

The driver section of the UL uses two tubes...I don't really find any tonal benefit from swapping in those spots. NOS certainly won't hurt anything. :)

I also had the best results keeping the MV around 3:00 and adjusting the channel volumes as needed. Channel 2 was the only channel I used on the amp....just toggled the boost on and off and used a TS for a little extra when needed.
Try running the amp at half power and halving the impedance. Fryettess/VHTs work just fine with V30's. I found Eminence speakers too dark with my UL.
With V30's, keep the mids at 10-11:00, and you are golden.