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Hell yeah. Very tasty playing there.
He kills on this one. Great metal tune. The solo is pure fire!
One of my favorite songs from that album
Hell yeah. Very tasty playing there.
He kills on this one. Great metal tune. The solo is pure fire!
VV had some moments but is now nuttier than a box of almond roca.I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during the Happy Days sessions!!! I can imagine a whole new world of WTF??!! LOL
Here is that whole scenerio written by Bob Rock. Its a long read but definitely worth a read.
Same! Just finished first few chapters. He seems like a cool guy.I just saw he released a book in 2018. Shows ya how much I know. LOL . Gotta be a cool read though. He is somewhat a good writer. Just ordered it.
Here's that video. He makes a good case..
Man, what a great story! LOLVV had some moments but is now nuttier than a box of almond roca.
i spoke to henry winkler about the era when potsie had to do a regular musical vocal performance at arnolds with richie on drums and ralph malph on piano, to cater to his diva demands in an attempt to make a musical career for himself. eveyone on the cast hated that lame waste of time and to hear the fonz himself bag on the potsie band performances was priceless!
vinnie and potsie sound like a dream come true.View attachment 289679
Disagree somewhat. It seems to me it's always easier for people to side with the guy on the outside i.e. not fair etc... yet the guys that stayed the course and kept the thing from going into the ditch numerous times seem to get the blame when in reality it probably should be the opposite.Paul ragging on Vinnie sounds completely like100% professional jealousy. Vinnie is a much better player than Paul, and IMO he wrote better songs. Paul dishes lots of dirt on tons of people in his book, but he was the last to publish too, so he sort of had the last word. Plus he’s a bigger bitch than Vinnie would ever be, even if Vinnie transitions for real. Vinnie’s whole problem with Kiss was he felt the employment contract was unfair. People generally side with Jake E Lee over Ozzy on the publishing raw deal he got, sort of the same deal here. Kiss was dying. They were passé in a post VH/LA metal world. Vinnie updated their sound and, it’s been said, their look to compete, and the thanks he got was peanuts. He was married with 2 young girls at the time. He felt it was unfair, and I agree with him. That being said, he needed their quality control to a certain extent in the solo department, as evidenced by VVI. I personally love that album, but even I would agree (being a VV fan) that it’s ridiculous overplaying on every solo. And the whole thing just rubs people wrong to this day. The more recent events in his life haven’t done anything to change peoples minds about him, and all that is squarely on him. FWIW
I go back to '75 with the band, I'm a diehard and as much as I love the early stuff - Creatures of the Night kills. That album and Revenge are really the only albums by them that still listen too. Hell, listening to Eric Carr on Creatures is enough reason to check it out. Amazing album, great songs, great playing.Dynasty was the end of Kiss being relevant. It was also my first concert. October 2, 1979 at The Checkerdome in St. Louis. Luckily they only played a song or two off Dynasty, everything else was the good shit. 100,000 Years, She, Got To Choose, Black Diamond, Cold Gin, Shock Me, etc.. John Cougar opened and was boo'ed off the stage.
Those first 7 or 8 Kiss albums were great. Those songs still kick ass.
I can't say I ever heard a VV song. Maybe. Couldn't name one. Definitely looks like a tranny.
He also did work on a Laura Nero and a Bangles album.He told Jas Orbchet in GP magazine that Beck was his biggest influence, that he learned everything Beck ever did note for note like EVH with Clapton. And he took jazz lessons for years. His pre Kiss band Warrior had future members of Yngwie era Alcatraz. So his past isn’t just Dan Hartman. He played with Felix Cavilere of the Young Rascals in a band called Treasure. Some good soloing on that record.
Its just his nature. I dont think he thought he was making bad decisions, its just he follows his own way of thinking, which unfortunately isnt always the best career move. He would have been better off taking the back seat and did the Kulick thing. He would have lasted a long time with them. Turns out he went full blown nuts later on so who knows how long he really would have lasted with them. LOLSometimes in life people refuse to see the great situation they have and instead of making the most of that, they make a bad choice and blow it. The Invasion records to me were terrible and I thought so as a kid. Way too much overplaying and slop. It was almost a caricature of a the typical metal band of the day. VV could have had a run like Bruce Kulick in Kiss. Tell me that was not a bad career? I bet he could have written more songs as well for them.
i dunno he was pretty funny on three’s companyI can’t believe anyone would pay for a meet and greet with this psycho. I wouldn’t give a squirt of piss to meet her, she’s crazier than a shit house rat.