Volkswagen to shut German plants for the first time in it's 87 year history....

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None of this would be happening if Hitler had put the ME-262 in production much sooner, and in sufficient numbers.

He also decided it was to be a bomber not a fighter IIRC, which slowed things down. Drugs and dementia didn't help his decision making.
You'd think they would have learnt from History then - but no they repeat their mistakes and are just as bad. After WW2 they invaded Eastern Europe as kind of their own version of the master race and did exactly what Hitler was doing. Rolled in with their tanks and subjugated other Eastern European countries. Fucked up East Germany with their rule and communist bs... The Stasi family members spied on family... Evil. Then there was Stalin - even worse than Hitler. Fucking learn history mate. If I could I'd rip off Russia's head and shit down its neck.

You mean the US and George Bush's fake weapons of mass destruction?
YEP, the US government is not free of guilt whatsover and has been one of the purveyor of war, the American people on the other hand have been trying to stay out of wars and European Wars since the revolutionary War....War is a Racket..... some refer to the US as the Globalist American Empire.

It would seem the US government and world governments go to great lengths to keep us in Wars and since WWII it has been to keep the Bretton Woods agreement functional and the petrodollar(1971) alive, and that system is breaking down now all around us as the debt cycle has reached maximum carrying capacity thus the very same bankrupting cabal wants to stay in power and shift to Central Banking Digital Currency tracking and controlling every single personal purchase.

If you allow yourself to expand your overall view of things does it not seem like there is a internationalist financier cabal that always funds all sides of war and likes to incite war, destruction, colonization and instability and not allowing regions that have important natural resources to benefit from them thus pushing for a One World Government under the guise of security and peace.

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Volkswagen is saved!

