I own way too many OD's (actually I can't get enough of them). The BB is great, but for transparency and a tube amp feel the Barber Direct Drive can't be beat. I'm also digging the Brown Rabbit in volume boost mode. Bottom line, if your looking for great dynamics, transparency tube like feel I would recommend the Barber DD. It also adds thickness. If you're just looking to boost the upper mids other pedals will do that better, but in general the BDD is a great pedal. Here's what I've compared it too (all through Suhr Badger amp
Keeley DSL seeing eye mod
Keeley time machine boost
HBE Power Screamer
Lovepedal Eternity
Exotic BB Preamp
Exotic RC Booster
Keeley Baked TS9
Brown Rabbit (I'm digg'n this pedal right now)
OCD ver 1
Keeley Rat
MI Audio Crunchbox
MI Audio Tube Zone
Zvek box of rocks
Keeley SD-1
Catalinabread Supercharger
Some are not fair comparisons, but my point is the Barber DD kicks ass and would be one of the last pedals I would part with.