I don't check Rig Talk for a bit and suddenly it is 2007 Metropoulos Forum.
I'll read this thread and see if there is anything that needs clearing up. I worked for the band for a bit in the 90s, and anything John Suhr, Mike Soldano, and Reinhold Bogner say is right. Same with Dave Friedman. Those guys were all trusted back in the day.
I'm mildly serious. I dont hate his tone, but I don't get the worship for his tone.
For the matter, I also don't get all the hate for RRhoads' tone either.
Couple that with a player who picks the right amp for their style and “plays to the amp” so to speak, and there ya go: your Brain perceives that as great “tone”. I picked up a phrase from a buddy of mine, “tone riffs”. Back in the day, nightrage’s record sweet vengeance was all the rage, and it is arguably the best mix (to me) that ever came out of nordstroms studio. If you listen to the track “ the tremor”, towards the end is an absolutely killer break down. THAT is a tone riff I would call it. That riff just plays to the amp (5150 and engl savage I believe), and it sounds great from all the sums of the playing and that amp together.
But really, many of our favorite tones are really just great riffs/playing, and the brain cant really differentiate between the two and which part of that is making it sound “good” to you.
Wolfgang gets to rip on this gear on a daily basis.It was just a joke.
Are you against Fun? are you a murderer of fun? at this point that's all the thread is....FUN!Man, 7 pages on he said/ she said Marshall talk ?? Guys, EVH would have sounded killer through a Bugera 1960. Cranked, some effects, what does it matter slight boost from EQ, circuit or other. Let's do Slash's 36 or 39 and debate which was rehearsal and which was on the album. The Levi / Caswell who did what, and what the mod actually was. That should get us to 14 pages.
The “worship” of his tone comes from his incredible playing. We as humans get “tricked” I guess you could say. Many of your favorite tones, are really just phenomenal riffs/songs, that’s literally it. Couple that with a player who picks the right amp for their style and “plays to the amp” so to speak, and there ya go: your Brain perceives that as great “tone”. I picked up a phrase from a buddy of mine, “tone riffs”. Back in the day, nightrage’s record sweet vengeance was all the rage, and it is arguably the best mix (to me) that ever came out of nordstroms studio. If you listen to the track “ the tremor”, towards the end is an absolutely killer break down. THAT is a tone riff I would call it. That riff just plays to the amp (5150 and engl savage I believe), and it sounds great from all the sums of the playing and that amp together. Point is, dime was the king of stuff like that for sure. But really, many of our favorite tones are really just great riffs/playing, and the brain cant really differentiate between the two and which part of that is making it sound “good” to you.
Are you against Fun? are you a murderer of fun? at this point that's all the thread is....FUN!
ME TOO! I'm at work and i have a fairly high pressure job, so it's good for a laugh & keeps me from yelling at co-workers for not doing what they are supposed to.Excellent post. Then you add the board and production to it as the icing on the cake.
LOL good point.. i do love fun. I have also been reading through the thread. I just can't NOT read.
I'm completely trash. 100%. i'm a dumpster, a cum dumpster....FUCK! I Mean a dumpster Fire. Never mind, carry on.So many people still haven't grasped this concept. You can continuously drop thousands on new booteek and flavor-of-the-month gear, but if your riffs, technique and phrasing are trash, you'll always sound like trash
It's always extra embarassing to pull up to a show to see a band setup with thousands of dollars worth of high end gear, only to have their actual music be absolute shit
So many people still haven't grasped this concept. You can continuously drop thousands on new booteek and flavor-of-the-month gear, but if your riffs, technique and phrasing are trash, you'll always sound like trash
It's always extra embarassing to pull up to a show to see a band setup with thousands of dollars worth of high end gear, only to have their actual music be absolute shit
100%. I'll add that to get that same sizzle on recording, the unidyne 57s that @VESmedic mentioned are pretty essential as well.That sizzle on the first record, just buy a pair of JBLs and load them into a cab with 2 GBs…playing almost any Marshall through it and you hear that high end.