Sorry if this subject annoys some. I know the subject of tube shortages over a year ago was fatiguing. I just quit reading about it.
Wondering if Western Electric is still considering producing popular guitar amp tubes?
Dumb luck and pack-ratting graced me with all the common tubes I use over the years. If I bought any in the last 20yrs, it was usually out of curiousity tinkering. I was fortunate in not having to buy any during the recent shortages.
I've recently seen tubes for sale again in the local "brick and mortar" shops I visit. And the prices even seem to be coming down a little. At least here.
Wondering if Western Electric is still considering producing popular guitar amp tubes?
Dumb luck and pack-ratting graced me with all the common tubes I use over the years. If I bought any in the last 20yrs, it was usually out of curiousity tinkering. I was fortunate in not having to buy any during the recent shortages.
I've recently seen tubes for sale again in the local "brick and mortar" shops I visit. And the prices even seem to be coming down a little. At least here.