What’s a Good Printer / Scanner

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Looking to replace my HP with something that can do multi page scans so you can just lay in a document and it’ll do everything.
Wondering if anybody’s pretty stoked with what they’ve got.
I had a hp multipurpose laser rig that self fed...it was cool.

But....I bought an Epson with the color tanks for ink.....holy crap!!!! Awesome....saving tons of cash on ink/ toner. It doesn't self feed though....worth looking into if they have models that suit your needs.
I had a hp multipurpose laser rig that self fed...it was cool.

But....I bought an Epson with the color tanks for ink.....holy crap!!!! Awesome....saving tons of cash on ink/ toner. It doesn't self feed though....worth looking into if they have models that suit your needs.
What’s the app interface like?
I haven't had an issue with the multi-function printer at work. Some coworkers with the same printer have had issues with it not recognizing 3rd party toner cartridges, but I haven't had a problem with that. It's a Lexmark M-something. I'll post the model number when I get to work tomorrow.
In searching some of the sites I can’t get clear info on whether they’ll actually scan multiple pages at once with the auto feeder and if they do double sided scans. You choose the features you want on the left menu and then it will still populate units you know won’t do it from their price point. Why does it feel the Internet has become fucking useless and company sites don’t provide the most basic rundowns of what the unit actually does (across all kinds of products). If you’re lucky you stumble upon a review from a customer where in two sentences they tell you what you need vs. 2 pages of sleek scrollable images and brief blurbs on it’s awesomeness from the company.
Black and White Laser printers are very cheap now. I have a Brother one. If you don't need to do photographs on inkjets then I think they are the best option. The toner doesn't dry out. Lasts for ages and they are very reliable. If you need to print a photo take it to a place that does it and save yourself the grief of owning an inkjet. Personally I never printout photos anyway though.

As for scanners I just use Office lens on my iPhone these days rather than a proper scanner. I don't try and scan whole books. The phone will do multipage documents and turn them into pdf's.
Anything that’s not HP or has a subscription.