What’s the tightest amp with the biggest low end you’ve played. ?

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I knew snagging that white Monomyth was the right move. Cannot wait to get that home?
It was a cool amp. We used it for a few the higher gain sections in my friend’s last reamp session. Will be interesting how it turns out with whatever additional things Shea does to it

He actually chose it over my coli in that context because the Monomyth cut through a lot more
Boogie Mark III or IV. They’re ridiculous.
I use my Diezel VH4S and we’re in B standard with a drop A (A, E, A, D, F#, B) and I also own a SLO, but nothing touches my ‘85 MKIII No-Stripe for ferocity and tightness.
That’s about the only thing that drives me crazy about the nitro as well. SUPER picky with speakers. It seems to be solely designed only for speakers in the greenback family. It has to something in the mids of that amp.

of course! It’s a Splawn,,,, they all have “weird” mids:LOL:
biggest AND tightest??

Likely a VHT/Fryette Pitbull through a Diezel FL412K100 cab.

I had that combo. did not like the Diezel k100 cab at all. Overly dark and flat. IMO, The Fryette cab was best with all the amps in this pic....
@UberschallEL34 has a KT200 Hybrid on the way, so will be interested to hear his clips when he gets it!
That's gonna be a ridiculously powerful amp. 200w in a Wizard? Gonna seem like 300w I bet. That transformer set is gonna be 50lbs by themselves.
Larry Dino 962 and the HG/LG Jose SLP Ri that Mark Cameron modded for me had the best metal tones with the biggest and tightest low end I've heard to this day, without the need of any boost pedal.
If a boost pedal becomes an option, then the 93 Wizard Metal gets on this list too. This amp has massive and incredibly tight low end, and with the boost added, it saturates insanely well and punches the speakers in a way that is just incredible.
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Mesa boogie Mark IV, with the presence pushed, in pentode, simulclass and the bass slider right near the top it puts out serious low end through a recto cab, and with the regular EQ's bass control at 0-3 and the treble control up around 8 it's super tight. A recto puts out more low end but it's no where near as tight sounding, even boosted.
Crowbar has been, Acid Bath was a Peavey Butcher and Randall es80, Down was Randall SS, Oranges and Marshalls, CoC was a Mesa 50Cal blended with something else and Oranges for a long time now.

I’ll run a BAT Pharaoh/Quantum Mystic into the Herb clean channel, gets me there. Have an Orange Dual Dark when I wanna get really sludgy.
Yes, the Randall RG100ES heads with a boost is a tight, low end machine. TON's of low end, yet tight. Just check out Crowbar's music.
of course! It’s a Splawn,,,, they all have “weird” mids:LOL:
Matt!!! Happy New Year brother. Nice to see you still hanging here. I saw your arsenal on the amp pic thread. Holy fk you win! Haha. How’s that Granophyre? I tried the Neural plug-in and it was ok.
Yes, the Randall RG100ES heads with a boost is a tight, low end machine. TON's of low end, yet tight. Just check out Crowbar's music.

Don't have to, been listening since '93. I own that head too. It’s in the garage next to my Egnater and Fryette.
That's gonna be a ridiculously powerful amp. 200w in a Wizard? Gonna seem like 300w I bet. That transformer set is gonna be 50lbs by themselves.
On the Wizard website it says the KT-200 weighs 64 lbs. That’s actually lighter I think than the VH4’s and some Engl’s like the Invader 150 I had and SE EL34

Maybe I’m mistaken, but I think it has still 4 powertubes, but of some KT variety
On the Wizard website it says the KT-200 weighs 64 lbs. That’s actually lighter I think than the VH4’s and some Engl’s like the Invader 150 I had and SE EL34

Maybe I’m mistaken, but I think it has still 4 powertubes, but of some KT variety
The KT88 X4 can generate 200w. But, I really liked KT 90s in both a 2555x and D60 I had...they sound like giant EL34s..huge tight lows and great mids. I wonder if that amp can take those? Man I'd love to hear one....until it blew my skull wide open with that Wizard volume/push lol.
On the Wizard website it says the KT-200 weighs 64 lbs. That’s actually lighter I think than the VH4’s and some Engl’s like the Invader 150 I had and SE EL34

Maybe I’m mistaken, but I think it has still 4 powertubes, but of some KT variety

It’s 4 KT88s. I think the Herbert is right around the same 64-65 pound range as well.
The KT88 X4 can generate 200w. But, I really liked KT 90s in both a 2555x and D60 I had...they sound like giant EL34s..huge tight lows and great mids. I wonder if that amp can take those? Man I'd love to hear one....until it blew my skull wide open with that Wizard volume/push lol.
Yeah the Marshall Major 200’s were also 4 KT88’s, but my ‘67 Tremolo 50 is much bigger and louder sounding than any of the 3 or 4 Majors I’ve tried (have owned a ‘68 Major), which were also recently serviced. If the KT-200 is the same amp with just 4 KT88’s, I might not like it as much since I’ve not yet liked any KT88 stuff much

I’m gonna ask my tech if he can bias my Naylor for KT90’s since their website says they can take KT88’s
It’s 4 KT88s. I think the Herbert is right around the same 64-65 pound range as well.
Ah yeah that’s right. The heaviest amp I’ve ever owned was a DAR Forza. It was over 90 lbs. I thought it sounded pretty good, but had other amps that sounded better and actually much bigger too. I guess weight often doesn’t mean as much as I’d hope it would lol
Yeah the Marshall Major 200’s were also 4 KT88’s, but my ‘67 Tremolo 50 is much bigger and louder sounding than any of the 3 or 4 Majors I’ve tried (have owned a ‘68 Major), which were also recently serviced. If the KT-200 is the same amp with just 4 KT88’s, I might not like it as much since I’ve not yet liked any KT88 stuff much

I’m gonna ask my tech if he can bias my Naylor for KT90’s since their website says they can take KT88’s
You should reach out to the original builder; as the Naylor's today are built by a different owner. They are true to the original design though, but I'd double check to make sure. I forget the name but the original designer is making amps under a different name? Bletchely amps maybe?
Probably the Titan 200, Splawn Nitro kt88, and ceriatone yeti.
It’s 4 KT88s. I think the Herbert is right around the same 64-65 pound range as well.

The KT-200 is 4 KT120s and the KT-150 is 4 KT88s (confusing. lol) Rick uses unique transformers for each type of tube so while I can put KT120s in my KT150 amp, it will still be different than a KT200 amp due to the transformer. I don't know what the differences are though.