What Amps Did You Go Through to Get to Egnater?

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Thought it might be fun to have a thread like this. Just wonder what amps everyone has played in the past before they found THE TONE OF LIFE (cheap Egnater pun I know, I know). For me, these are the ones I remember (going back some 15 years almost!):

Marshall Valvestate 1x12 Combo
Mesa Studio Caliber 1x12 Combo
Line6 Flextone II 2x12 Combo
Soldano Hot Rod + XL Head (in AWESOME Custom Blue Sparkle Covering...)
Mesa Dual Rectifier Solo Head
Bogner Uberschall
Soldano SLO-100

Definitely a noticable improvement over the years, huh?!? :D However, the MOD 50 is the first amp that I have EVER had a honeymoon period last an entire YEAR with! God this thing just drives me wild every single time I turn it on! Cheers to the Eggy guys for pushing the envelope with tube amp design AND being some of the nicest guys on the planet!
Let's see:

Fender Dual Showman half stack snakeskin (should have kept that amp)
Carvin SX POS solid state something
Carvin Quad Pre amp with Carvin power amp
Mesa DC-5
Marshall JMP-1 with Carvin power amp
PV Classic 30
Marshall DSL
Budda SD80
Marshall JVM
Vox and Digitech floor modellers
Wow, never really written them down before!!

Then I did the Eggie class and loved the tone so I started exploring the Eggie amps and concluded the Mod 50 was the one for me. Wise choice!! I'm still floored............
Here is best to my current memory...

Rocktron Pro Gap. nady power amp
Soldano sp-77 stock for a month ...then eggified
Rockmaster pre amp
Hot Rod 50...then eggified
77 JMP...then eggified
Multiple TOL's
68 Fender Deluxe
3rd IE 4 Pre amp
Bogner 100B
Bogner 101B
Soldano Decatone
Yamaha T100, 50
Carvin Legacy
Peavey prowler
Voodoo Witchdoctor
Sovtek Mig 100...then eggified
VHT 91 pitbull
VHT pitbull 45
Randall RG 80
Randall MTS
Egnater MOD 100, 50
From what I can remember:

Carvin XB-100
Carvin Quad Preamp w/2:90 pwr amp
Marshall MKII with Soldano Hot Mod
Marshall 2203
Marshall Dual Channel JCM800
Marshall Blue Anniversary
Fender Dual Showman
Egnater TOL 100
Egnater IE4
ADA MP-1 with 2:90 Pwr amp
Marshall JMP-1 with 9200 pwr amp
Soldano Preamp-SP77 (both USA and Japanese versions) w/Marshall pwr amp
5150(Modded by Voodoo)
Beamish Custom head
Carvin VM100
Carvin Legacy
Bogner 101B
Bogner Exctacy Classic
DR z Carmen Ghia
Fender Silverface Twin
Roland JC120
Mesa MK1
Marshall DSL100
Marshall TSL100
Soldano Decatone Prototype #2
Soldano SLO
Randall RM100
Egnater MOD 100

..Almost forgot...Gorilla 1X8 combo with "stack" switch :lol: :LOL:

Damn that's ALOT of money spent to get here!!! :cry: :doh:

Hey Jeff, Looks like we have similar tastes in amps.
Carvin XV100B combo
Budda SD30
Bogner 101B
Bogner Exctacy Classic
Egnater MOD100

That's it. And a very short list (comparably) it is.

The MOD100 is the only amp I have right now, but I'm still thinking about picking up a Cameron or a VHT SIG:X or a Mesa Mark series. It just feels wrong to only have ONE amp, no matter how good that amp may be. :D
Hmmm... this requires some thought, at least to put 'em all in chronological order...

These are all my "main" amps over the years... I've had just about as many "backup"/practice amps:

Crate mini-stack (head + two 4x5.5” cabs)
Fender M80 combo / Crate Blue Voodoo BV60 combo / Digitech GSP-2101 Artist
Johnson Millennium JM150 combo / Johnson Marquis JM120 combo
Carvin Legacy VL212 combo
Mesa/Boogie Triaxis + 2:90
Mesa/Boogie Mark IV widebody combo / Nomad 45 combo
Rivera Kuncklehead Reverb 55 combo
Egnater/Rocktron TOL100 combo / Marshall JCM2000 TSL122 combo / Mesa/Boogie Rect-o-verb combo / Roland JC-120 combo
Randall RM100C combo / RM20B combo / RM4 preamp / RT2/50 power amp
Hughes & Kettner Triamp mkII / zenTera head
Fender Dexlue Reverb reissue / Mojo JTM45 head kit
Rocktron Vendetta head
Egnater M4 preamp / VHT2502 power amp / Randall RM50B Palomino combo

You'll notice that once I hit the TOL100, with the exception of the H&K gear, pretty much everything was Egnater-built, Egnater-designed, or at least Egnater-inspired. :)

Add up the cost of all the amps listed on this page and it's almost the National Gross Product of a small country!!! :D
And that was before I weighed in! :lol: :LOL:

Okay let's see. I gotta think all the way back to 1973. My first guitar amp was actually my first Bass amp too. Here goes...

Univox Bass Head & 1X15 Cab (maybe this is where my low end fixation came from)

1963 Fender Bandmaster Head / 2x12 cab (my first real amp and a good one too!)

1974 Marshall JMP800 50 Watt Head / matching 4X12 cab (Woa! this one was sweeeeeeeeeeeet!)

Music Man HRD65 / Lab Series 4X12 (SS pre into 2 6L6)

Carvin X100B / Sound City 4X12 cab

Spectra 120R (my total solid state phase begins)

Roland GP-8 into Randall RM-80 Power Amp / Nine (9) Mesa Thiele 1X12 cabs (yes I was probably smoking something?)

ADA MP-1 (into GP-8 / Randall and cabs and then later a Marshall 4X12)

ADA MP-1 / Mosvalve SS Power amp / Marshall 4X12 cab (rode this rig into the ground)

Hughes Kettner Axxess pre into Boogie 20/20 into Marshall 2X12 (the 2X12 phase begins)

Egnter IE4 into the same amp and cab (the reign of Egnater begins)

Egnater M4 single channel mod version into Boogie 20/20 (but later into Randall RM 50 as a power amp) still the Marshall 2X12 cab

Randall RM 50 into Mojo 2X12 cab (this is the diagonal cab, about the size of a 4X10)

Egnater MOD 50 / Mojo Tone 2X12 (Celestion G12-65 or Eminence GB)

Whew, that hurt, was it painful for ya'll? :D
I own an M4 but I went through a Triaxis, Recto Pre, and JMP-1 before settling on the right preamp for my rack. If it weren't for Egnater, I would have ended up with some kind of amp modeling pre...thankfully, I found the Randall MTS stuff and that led me to the real deal.
WOW some of you guys sure have had quite a collection of amps. I have been playing for 30 years now and started out with several little 1 and 2-12 combos by crate and peavey. Then when I started the gigging metal band I used a first run, "block letter", 5150 peavey head that I did some cap mods to it. It had the big transformers in it and was just a beast live.

Unlike the Eggies though it's tone lacked big time for much anything else so after 4 years of running that our band received and endorsement deal with Randall so we have been in those for 3 years and they were cool amps but still the Eggie stuff just blows my mind with it's tone.

I am now into the tourmaster 4100 and will be looking to get another head like the mod50 as the next step. I don't foresee ever going away from Egnater now that I have been playing with one. Massive tone and I won't sound like everyone else in town who use the Mesa Gear. Nothing wrong with Mesa amps, but from a recording studio standpoint, I am tired of that tone being on every metal album under the sun.

I know for a fact I will be the only Eggie user in this area until everyone hears these things. I am bragging these amps up like there is no tomorrow and when they hear it they will know their shame and switch over to Egnater. :D
I think I would break the internet if I tried to list them all.

but I ended up with...

Mod 100
Mod 50
M4 x 2
OK...this is gonna take a bit :)

Marshall JCM 800 2203 head (owned 2)
Marshall JCM 800 2x12 Combo
Marshall Silver Jubilee 25th Anniversary Short head
Marshall Silver Jubilee 25th Anniversary 1x12 Combo
Marshall JCM 900 (owned 2)
Marshall 30th Anniversary 1x12 Combo
Marshall 30th Anniversary Head
Marshall JMP-1 Stock
Marshall JMP-1 modded by Voodoo Amps
Marshall 9100 power amp
Marshall 9200 power amp
Marshall DSL50
Marshall TSL100 modified by Voodoo Amps
Marshall JCM 600 head
Peavey 5150 modded by Voodoo Amps
Peavey Classic 30
Peavey Classic 50
Peavey TranstubeFX Amp
Epiphone 1x10 P.o.S.
Fender Blues Jr
Fender Deluxe
Fender Twin
Fender Super Reverb
Fender Vibrolux
Rocktron Pirhana preamp
Mesa Boogie Tremoverb
Mesa Boogie Single Rectifier
Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
Mesa Boogie Triaxis
Mesa Boogie 2:90 power amp
Mesa Boogie 2:50 power amp
Mesa Boogie 20/20 power amp
Hughes and Kettner Duotone
Bogner Shiva
Voodoo Labs Preamp
Rivera Knucklehead
VHT 2/50/2 power amp
VHT 2150 power amp
Voodoo Amps Hex
Voodoo Amps Witchdoctor
Voodoo Amps V-Plex
Voodoo Amps V-Rock
Soldano Hot Rod 50
ADA MP-1 modded by Voodoo Amps
Laney 1x12 Combo (can't remember which one!)
Vox AD30VT
Vox Valvetronix VT50
Egnater Tourmaster head
Egnater Rebel
Egnater Mod50 Head
Egnater Seminar Head
Egnater Mod50 1x12 Combo (currently own)
Egnater M4 Preamp (currently own)
VHT 2/90/2 power amp (currently own)

I know there have been others, but I can't remember them!
OK long story here, let me see-

100 watt marshall half stack
Some kind of music man
Peavey Renown
Peavey practice amp
Fender Deville 4 X 10
Line 6 2 x 12 100 watt (yuck)
Mesa 50 watt rectifier combo (fabulous)
Egnater 4212

evink1":11zf618r said:
WOW some of you guys sure have had quite a collection of amps. I have been playing for 30 years now and started out with several little 1 and 2-12 combos by crate and peavey. Then when I started the gigging metal band I used a first run, "block letter", 5150 peavey head that I did some cap mods to it. It had the big transformers in it and was just a beast live.

Unlike the Eggies though it's tone lacked big time for much anything else so after 4 years of running that our band received and endorsement deal with Randall so we have been in those for 3 years and they were cool amps but still the Eggie stuff just blows my mind with it's tone.

I am now into the tourmaster 4100 and will be looking to get another head like the mod50 as the next step. I don't foresee ever going away from Egnater now that I have been playing with one. Massive tone and I won't sound like everyone else in town who use the Mesa Gear. Nothing wrong with Mesa amps, but from a recording studio standpoint, I am tired of that tone being on every metal album under the sun.

I know for a fact I will be the only Eggie user in this area until everyone hears these things. I am bragging these amps up like there is no tomorrow and when they hear it they will know their shame and switch over to Egnater. :D

Hey hey now. I'm in Bloomington / Normal, IL and I was an Eggie user before you!!! You were copying off of me! HAHAHAHA j/k. Glad to have some other Eggie folks in the Central IL area. You gotta come by sometime!
aeroic":1gej6tl1 said:
evink1":1gej6tl1 said:
WOW some of you guys sure have had quite a collection of amps. I have been playing for 30 years now and started out with several little 1 and 2-12 combos by crate and peavey. Then when I started the gigging metal band I used a first run, "block letter", 5150 peavey head that I did some cap mods to it. It had the big transformers in it and was just a beast live.

Unlike the Eggies though it's tone lacked big time for much anything else so after 4 years of running that our band received and endorsement deal with Randall so we have been in those for 3 years and they were cool amps but still the Eggie stuff just blows my mind with it's tone.

I am now into the tourmaster 4100 and will be looking to get another head like the mod50 as the next step. I don't foresee ever going away from Egnater now that I have been playing with one. Massive tone and I won't sound like everyone else in town who use the Mesa Gear. Nothing wrong with Mesa amps, but from a recording studio standpoint, I am tired of that tone being on every metal album under the sun.

I know for a fact I will be the only Eggie user in this area until everyone hears these things. I am bragging these amps up like there is no tomorrow and when they hear it they will know their shame and switch over to Egnater. :D

Hey hey now. I'm in Bloomington / Normal, IL and I was an Eggie user before you!!! You were copying off of me! HAHAHAHA j/k. Glad to have some other Eggie folks in the Central IL area. You gotta come by sometime!
Nothing Normal about that!! :lol: :LOL:
Crate GX15
Crate GX130
Carvin HT400 power amp
Traynor YCV40
Rocktron Pro gap ultra
Marshall 9100
Mesa Triaxis
Hughes and Kettner Access
Mesa 2:fifty
Mesa Blue Angel
Roland JC120H
Soldano SP-77
VHT 2150
CAE 3+

Egnater Seminar July '07
Egnater IE-4 Dec. '07
Egnater Seminar Feb '08
Egnater M4 Feb '08
Wow, I think i might have the shortest list!

- ENGL E530 + Mesa 20/20 power amp
- ENGL Powerball
- Laney GH100L
- Laney VH100R
- MOD 50.
At the time I ordered the M4 I had:

Mesa Boogie Road King II Head
Mesa Boogie Traditional 4x12 Cabinet
Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp
Mesa Boogie 50/50 Power amp
Carvin Legacy Head

Before that I had:
Mesa Boogie F50
Mesa Boogie Mark IV Combo
Mesa Boogie Mark IV Head
Mesa Boogie Stiletto Head
Mesa Boogie 2x12 Recot Cabinet
Peavey JSX Head
(2) Custom Made 2x12 Cabinets
Line 6 Spider 1x12 Combo
Carvin MTS Head
Carvin V3 Head (What shit this is)
Avatar 2x12 Cabinet

And currently I have:
Mesa Boogie Lonestar 2x12 Combo
Budda 4x12 Cabinet (Monster!)
VHT 2/50/2
Custom Audio Amplifiers 1x12 Cabinets (2)