What amps is Alex Lifeson using? Pics.

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Got posted on the RJM website 2 hrs ago, so I hope its not a repost.
steveatmojotone":3ca48smo said:
Hey guys its Steve Snyder from Mojotone. I wanted to give you a heads up on the Alex Lifeson LERXST Omega Amp. This amp will be available for purchase by the end of the year. It will be the same handwired version that Alex is currently using on tour. We'll also be offering a custom, tall 4x12 cabinet modeled after the one Alex used on Clockwork Angles. We hope to have more information on a release date and pricing soon.

If you have any questions about the amps or interested in ordering one, feel free to send me an email: steve@mojotone.com

edit. It seems the common conciseness on facebook is they are Jubilees or clones there of. No more Tri-Amps. Hmmmm

Still would like to know more about them. :yes:
The top 2 are H&K CoreBlades - which is their flagship in the Switchblade series. I believe these started out as a sig amp for Jeff Waters of Annihilator, but I'm not sure if that ever played out. I know he used them as well. Alex was a fan of the original Switchblade and upgraded to these after they came out. I had a Switchblade for a while - they are cool amps if you want something programmable with built-in effects. The bottom 2 are Mesa Mark V's. And the middle ones I am not sure I've ever heard of those before. Maybe somebody else can chime in on those - they must be custom/boutique of some kind.
Alex has favored the blade series amps as good backups or sometimes an FX only amp. He's got plenty of racks and sig triamps....but a healthy contract does wonders. :)

I am surprised to see the Mesa's in there. I will have to look that up and make sure no shenanigans are afoot.

Lerxst is indeed along-standing nickname. And those amps are not traditional Jubes. Pretty sure they aren't Marshall's...but I suppose they could be some old NMV's? It really looks something more like a Freidman Marsha (edit: which I guess is a Marshall clone/mod? :confused: :) .

Anyway...interesting post. He's been very loyal to H&K for many years.....but has been known to make sudden changes. We shall see.
SteveK":3skw7dfd said:
Alex has favored the blade series amps as good backups or sometimes an FX only amp. He's got plenty of racks and sig triamps....but a healthy contract does wonders. :)

I am surprised to see the Mesa's in there. I will have to look that up and make sure no shenanigans are afoot.

Lerxst is indeed along-standing nickname. And those amps are not traditional Jubes. Pretty sure they aren't Marshall's...but I suppose they could be some old NMV's? It really looks something more like a Freidman Marsha (edit: which I guess is a Marshall clone/mod? :confused: :) .

Anyway...interesting post. He's been very loyal to H&K for many years.....but has been known to make sudden changes. We shall see.

Yet nobody calls him a sellout...

:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

Oh yeah, Lerxst is one of my fav guitar players, as quoted in my sig.
Going to see them again next month. Lifeson is a great guitarist.
I like how he has a Mesa Amp Switcher to switch between

1.) Marshall
2.) Boogie
3.) Coreblade
4.) Mainstage?

But cool stuff. Alex is one of the reasons I picked up guitar.
311splawndude":227ecyd8 said:
I like how he has a Mesa Amp Switcher to switch between

1.) Marshall
2.) Boogie
3.) Coreblade
4.) Mainstage?

But cool stuff. Alex is one of the reasons I picked up guitar.

The amp and cab setup you have is way cool.
Those middle amps are custom built Jubliee clone's that sound awesome. Not sure if I can post who is building them but I will shoot the builder an email and find out.
hthomas":14sjyv9p said:
Those middle amps are custom built Jubliee clone's that sound awesome. Not sure if I can post who is building them but I will shoot the builder an email and find out.
Just curious. Are you Daniel?
glip22":16cun1bk said:
hthomas":16cun1bk said:
Those middle amps are custom built Jubliee clone's that sound awesome. Not sure if I can post who is building them but I will shoot the builder an email and find out.
Just curious. Are you Daniel?

Nope. My name's Harris. I work/build for PC
Heritage Softail":1dbu6jk3 said:
311splawndude":1dbu6jk3 said:
I like how he has a Mesa Amp Switcher to switch between

1.) Marshall
2.) Boogie
3.) Coreblade
4.) Mainstage?

But cool stuff. Alex is one of the reasons I picked up guitar.

The amp and cab setup you have is way cool.
Why thank you!

I will tell you they were not purchased together.
hthomas":2ex8cxc0 said:
glip22":2ex8cxc0 said:
hthomas":2ex8cxc0 said:
Those middle amps are custom built Jubliee clone's that sound awesome. Not sure if I can post who is building them but I will shoot the builder an email and find out.
Just curious. Are you Daniel?

Nope. My name's Harris. I work/build for PC
That's cool. :rock: How did you get to play the jube clone?
Saw them this past Sunday -- they sounded amazing (they always do) and Alex's tone and playing with impeccable as usual.
I've seen Rush many times over the years. Alex pretty much always sounds the same, no matter what he's touring with. Still freaks me out seeing those Boogies in there though! Is he going all Petrucci on us??? LOL.

In regards to Alex' playing being "impeccable"... I dunno. I've seen him throwing-out some pretty sloppy stuff over the years. But it's all good... his quirks are what makes him, HIM. :D (And he's always been one of my favorites.)
Very interested in more info on those Jubilee 'clones' in the middle.
As of now I can't give anymore info on the clones. Sorry guys. Will When I can