What did Cameron modded amps cost back in the day

absolutely, addictive is the exact word. it makes you want to play more. the feel under the fingers, the bounce was just unmatched. if only mark could have gotten things going the right way, i think he could have been as big a household name in the amp world as dave friedman imo

I agree, and i'm sure thats why so many have and even still now are trying with him, if there wasnt something exceptional going on people wouldnt give a shit. i read about the mythical feel for damn near 20 years and always kind of scoffed at it, then one of these weekly cameron threads popped up, i had a few drinks and next thing you know im hitting the "buy it now" button on my mig, and im glad i did. i would never buy anything new from the jerk though
He worked for Bogner and was caught red handed stealing secrets about transformers and was fired. He’s far from an electrical engineer - that of which I am and we abide by a code of ethics which he never has.
He worked for Fryette/VHT before Bogner. On the old Fryette forum Steve accused Mark of trying to buy Pittbull transformers from the manufacturer behind his back.
Someone here somewhat recently said they went to Mark to get their amp, and wherever he was the dude said it was floor to ceiling marshalls. its odd to me no one seemed to care, ask any kind of questions or take any kind of action :dunno:

I was at his place years ago. Tons of amps everywhere.