rstites":ebjlou3s said:
These discussions are what lead to GAS. I keep thinking of more stuff I "need" to make this work!
Good point about the SM26. I've got 2 that use IEC power cables and 1 that uses that weird brick. Looks like a CAT5 network cable or something. Wish they still made them.
That AD202 sounds like an amazing piece of kit! Hearing a self-admitted flanger guy say it's the best flanger you've ever heard really says a lot. I'm a fan of flangers, too, or rather most modulation. I like chorus that sounds more like a flanger (Electric Mistress) - short delays, slow speeds, or like the slight modulation in a DMM or an EP-3 with a capstan that's not quite as tight as it should be. Never cared much for how most people (over)used chorus in the 80s. I like flangers with a nice, slow sweep, not a ton of feedback, that sound like it folds back on itself. Thru-zero is cool, but there aren't a lot of analog options for that. More like an old MXR, ADA, or Ross. If the AD202 sounds better than that, I'm gonna have to start looking...
I've got a newer Voodoo Lab Ground Control. You're right about things getting interesting when incorporating channel switching into all this. What I do, and who knows if this would work for anyone else, is this: I look at each preset on the controller as a "song." I use the bottom row for 4 channel presets, including effects: 1 clean, 1 rhythm, 1 lead, and 1 extra that depends on the song. The middle row I use for instant access for the pedals in front, and I use the top row for instant access of the first layer post-amp effects (in the rig I was describing earlier, SPX90, H3000, and GTR4000). The last button is for tap tempo.
While I don't have instant access to the second layer post-amp effects (Eclipse, PCM92), those aren't as likely to change in any given song. One I'll dedicate to clean sounds (usually the Eclipse) and the other to dirty (usually the PCM92). Then, if I need a delay on only some of the rhythm parts, I can use the middle row to quickly switch it on. If I need some modulation on the clean sound, I can program it into the preset, but still turn it off if I need to for short passages. If I need some harmony on the lead sound, I can either program it into the preset (possibly using the extra channel for a 2nd lead sound), or I can switch it on and off as needed.
Of course, there are a few things I can't do with instant access (like switching the TERC, or have a "hot switch" like on the Eventide Space, but I can live without those. It all comes down to what I want the rig to do for me, and this was the best solution I could come up with at the time I designed it.
Anyway, you're absolutely right... nothing inspires GAS more than talking about rigs like this (now including the AD202 in my case).