What gear are you planning to buy in 2024?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MadAsAHatter
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I have most everything I could want and then some, but I need a new tube tester as this is box 1 of 6 to go through:

Hopefully I buy less than last year. There's a few pedals I'd like to try from lichtalerm. As far as amps go if I see a Hermansson or a Ground Zero Hellion come up for sale I'll be pretty tempted to make a purchase. As far as guitars go, I wouldn't mind snagging another LP Custom but that's only if the price is right.
Lost most of my gear in a fire back in 2019 shortly after exiting the band I had been doing full-time for most of my adult life. Felt like a good time to take a break and focus on other areas of my life, but picked it back up again last year and spent a pretty absurd amount rebuilding my guitar collection and getting a little home studio set up going. CURRENTLY, I feel pretty fuckin set and if anything have at least one guitar I’d like to part with this year but you know how gas goes.. time will tell.
I’m gonna be boring this year. Unless something interesting comes from NAMM, the only major purchase I foresee myself making are a new interface and bass cab. I’m a fairly utilitarian player, not much of a collector and kind of got my bases covered at the moment, plus a Kemper if I need any new itches scratched.
I'll also probably add another 4x12 cab. I live 20 minutes from KSR so I'll probably have them make one for me.
have a look at the JP-2C too. Got a new rack version late last year on sale, and I'm a Marshall / Engl user.
Nice! I should take a look at the JP-2C, I have yet to do so. …,I also have been keeping an eye out for a solid condition a Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp… …always wanted one of those… ?
Lost most of my gear in a fire back in 2019 shortly after exiting the band I had been doing full-time for most of my adult life. Felt like a good time to take a break and focus on other areas of my life, but picked it back up again last year and spent a pretty absurd amount rebuilding my guitar collection and getting a little home studio set up going. CURRENTLY, I feel pretty fuckin set and if anything have at least one guitar I’d like to part with this year but you know how gas goes.. time will tell.
Welcome! Glad you've got back on the horse. I'd be curious to hear about your current stable!
Nice! I should take a look at the JP-2C, I have yet to do so. …,I also have been keeping an eye out for a solid condition a Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp… …always wanted one of those… ?

I have a TriAxis preamp with phat mod around here somewhere, that I need to find.

Here's my JP-2C; having the second EQ is worth it to me; I have similar channel assignments to JP: clean, rhythm and lead; I use a Line 6 HX-Effects in the loop 4CM, and have a patch for each channel in the JP-2C; still have to get the MIDI programmed to switch amp channels from the HX-FX:

Just got a couple new plugins, UA neve 1084 & shadow hills mastering compressor
Take a portion of the money you plan to blow, and I do mean blow……and consider investing in the market. You might actually MAKE a profit if you leave it alone long enough.
Don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade, but you will get old…….and you will wish you had more money to retire.
Take a portion of the money you plan to blow, and I do mean blow……and consider investing in the market. You might actually MAKE a profit if you leave it alone long enough.
Don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade, but you will get old…….and you will wish you had more money to retire
You're probably a lot of fun at social gatherings.
Welcome! Glad you've got back on the horse. I'd be curious to hear about your current stable!
Not to derail the thread too much but currently - ESP Phoenix Custom (only guitar I had with me when the fire happened), ESP Eclipse I CTM FT (survived the fire unscathed but got looted from the house as no one was in the state when it happened. Rare guitar, so a friend bought it on eBay and realized it was mine later and was able to buy that back last year but he had it the past few years when I wasn’t playing), 1979 Gibson Les Paul Custom, 2022 Gibson Les Paul Custom M2M, 2023 Gibson SG Standard, Fender American Original 70s Telecaster Custom, an LTD Phoenix 1000 that ESP hooked me up with recently (used to endorse and rep them hard in my band days so they’re homies), along with a couple LTD basses, a 5 and a 4 string, that I use for tracking. I can’t remember which models they are at the moment. The SG was an impulse buy because I liked the finish and had never had one but I haven’t played it much, and will probably sell it eventually. I also bought another EVH 5150 3 but honestly I’ve just been using plugins so I can just go straight to tracking ideas so it’s been decorative mostly. I used to always hoard guitars and would have like 10-15 ESP’s and LTDs at any given time but since I’m not touring or playing shows I’ve narrowed my shit down to stuff I just think totally rules and wanna play all the time.
Take a portion of the money you plan to blow, and I do mean blow……and consider investing in the market. You might actually MAKE a profit if you leave it alone long enough.
Don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade, but you will get old…….and you will wish you had more money to retire.
Most of my money this year will be going into paying off my house and maxing out my retirement accounts. :)