What happened to Bogner cabinets?

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I ordered a brand new Helios 212 from Sweetwater. Got it last week. Sounded great but my amp wouldn't sit on it level. It teetered on 2 feet. I tried another amp, same thing. So I took the cab itself and put it on another cab, the whole cab rocked back and forth. So this one left the factory with a twist in it. No big deal, they'll send me a new one when they get some.
So today I get cab number 2. I toss the castors on and roll it right under my xtc. Head sits flat! Great! I'm looking at it and there are 2 very noticeable spots where the piping around the baffle is sticking out. I go to take a picture for sweetwater. I put a nickel up to the piping to show the distance away from the cab. The nickel slides right in past the baffle. It's a fucking coin slot in the front of a brand new $850 cab.

I know shit happens and I have had Bogner cabs that were perfect. I'm not sure if the cab company has lowered their standards or if these two just snuck by quality control but I'm done w them for now. I'll wait for my next Stoneage cab to be built.

Rant over.

I wouldn't keep it in that shape no matter what they knocked off of the price. Right is right when it comes to build quality and wrong is wrong.
There's about a quarter inch gap between the headshell and top of the chassis on my Rev 2 Uberschall. Doesn't affect the use or sound at all. I'd say if the cab sounds good, who cares.
It's not a headshell its a sealed 212 cab. If it was used I wouldn't think twice about it. I'd super glue it, but it's a brand new cab that I paid full retail for and its the second one they've sent me with an issue.
I have two newer 412's that are spot on the money. I always recommend going to a local dealer and ordering, they generally get more spot on gear due to the nature of the relationship, and because a local dealer really cares about what they get and sell to keep a good name. Big box online retailers sell so much gear, and they never see it to check it. I also believe that Bogner recently switched cabinet makers, so maybe call Charley and ask him to help you instead of Sweetwater. Go right to the source. Bogner will take good care of you.
Unfortunately no local dealer here. I too would prefer that. Interesting that they switched cab makers. Its definitely not going unnoticed
I'm sorry man, that's always a disappointment when you're looking forward to gear, and it comes out less then perfect. I'd still give Charley over at Bogner a call and see what his thoughts are. Good luck man, I hope you get it all resolved.
I may. I'm still waiting to hear back from Sweetwater.
Maybe they're building them to Marshall Specs? :D
I'd return it for sure, good thing you caught the gap, I'd imagine that might alter the sound since it's not as tight as it should be. You'd blow out a match in front of the cab I bet.
Question. Have you opened up the back of the cabinet yet? Most Bogner cabs, the speakers are mounted to the front baffle from the rear. Then the actual grill assembly is a secondary baffle screwed on to the speaker baffle from inside. If that is the case here, it may just be astetic.
I didn't take the back off. I did check to see how deep a butter knife would go. There is a cleat behind it so it is likely still air tight. I'm still waiting for a response from sweetwater. They said they would send me another one or I could send this one back for "repair".
Yeah, thanks guys.
Sweet water said you could send it ban to them for "repair"? Pass...get a new one.
I decided to keep it. They gave me $100 store credit, good enough for me.
I just picked up an oversized 2x12 from Sweetwater for my XTC. The thing has the teetering problem too. It's not terrible, but enough to be annoying. I had put a shim underneath one of the feet for now until I could investigate further, but since you've mentioned these issues, it has me wondering about the QC now as well.
Is it the Helios 212? Sounds like you might have got the one I returned.
that would suck, usually Sweetwater takes care of business.