What is the piece of gear you have been most disappointed in trying or purchasing?

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Yamaha T100 Soldano copy.
I bought the amplifier brand-new hoping for great things. Luckily I saved a ton of money as I bought a new one in the box just ‘after’ Yamaha discontinued this model. They were dumping this new head and a combo.

I got it, and it didn’t sound right to me, so I took it to my buddy’s place two hours away from me to compare to his real SLO100,
… it was extremely disappointing.

But, being a glutton for punishment, I went even deeper into the hole, when I sent it to Bill Sundt at Soldano, he added the choke modification and tweaked the preamp section to be exact is an SLO 100.

So, After sinking another $450 USD into the amplifier, it still didn’t sound or feel close to the SLO.

I later talked to Mike regarding this and he shared with me that he was not at all pleased with the production T100 and that Yamaha took many cost saving short cuts and there was really no way to make the amplifier sound like an SLO100.

I would highly recommend against buying one of these T100 amplifiers with hopes of having a cheap SLO100.
You get what you pay for.
my friend had the combo and it was so bad?
This amp had a ton of gain and was super focused, but it had no meat or body. Just laser focus and tons of gain.

Gower josè. No balls - at all.

That's what bugs me about most nowadays marshall modders you see in forums and communities. They make every amp sound as pissed and aggro as ever, with razor sounding treble and loads of definition, but no balls, no meat, no chew.
i am struggling...lol...i want to keep it...but i don't play the 8 string enough, nor do I have a Mesa Recto, i do have a 5150 and a Mark iii now which i think this pedal does not suit, as it i believe sucks out too much low end.

Yea that's definitely not the kind of boost for a Mark III, I think an EQ out front would work better for that.

I know the Level and Gain on the Eros don't work like a TS boost. You have to set them both around noon and tweak from there.

For the EQ definitely gun the bass and cut the treble back. Keep the one switch on Thick and then try Clip or maybe Crunch on the other. Clean is way too tight.