What is your bug out plan?

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People do eat them.. I would never.

I've trapped them and shot them.

They are so nasty, and dangerous.
I would definitely eat them. I love wild game and will eat any natural sourced mammal meat source save for dogs and cats. Lamb is probably my favorite farmed meat though plus sheep give some of the best milk but yeah a couple nice fat hogs in a pen would be killer.
Yeah, @acceptance , I honestly don't know what I am preparing for because it will be the unexpected. We will probably fair better in a WWIII scenario than other scenarios because I doubt too much is going to be fucking with us here in the Midwest. But if I lived near Wash DC or an Air Force Base or a missile silo I might be more worried.

And no offence to you but Mexico is the last place I would want to go. Fuck Mexico. Also, if the SHTF, I'm guessing passports driving across a border will not be a thing. I could be way wrong. Everyone has to do what they think is best for them.
I love lamb. But duck though! And I heard they're free ?
If you get duck eggs you'll never want another chicken egg. Luxuries once sampled become necessities. The problem with ducks is they need a pond and when they get one, the turn it into a disgusting cess pool of duck shit within the hour it's t filled. I had some ducks and because of the water, one or two of my chickens that apparently must've had small wounds on their feet, got an infection from the water, their toes fell off, they were left with stumps, and died. The ducks had to go.
SHTF to me = a coordinated attack on the US (Western Countries) using cyber hacks against our electrical grid, cell phone towers, the internet, and the like. And then terrorist type attacks on primary water sources and maybe other physical assets that don't require bulky bombs or weapons. Take the Ohio River or Mississippi River for example. Those could be poisoned. I think a hack on the grids/internet is more likely. That will have major trickle down effects because there are a ton of things that rely on electricity and the internet that we take for granted.

If I had to, I could walk to my cabin 87 miles away and drink mostly fresh water along the way and hunt squirrel.
The good thing about Mexico is that it is close, inexpensive, they are fairly self sufficient, the government is corrupt (and everyone knows it) but not particularly powerful, it's big with varied terrain, relatively wealthy from petro dollars and they are not hip with the Davos/WEF crowd. Canada as we've seen is not the place to be, as much as I'd prefer it.
PS: I've considered raising chickens for a long time but everyone I talk too, @VonBonfire just confirmed, they are a lot of work.
The good thing about Mexico is that it is close, inexpensive, they are fairly self sufficient, the government is corrupt (and everyone knows it) but not particularly powerful, it's big with varied terrain, relatively wealthy from petro dollars and they are not hip with the Davos/WEF crowd. Canada as we've seen is not the place to be, as much as I'd prefer it.
Tell us you've never been to Mexico without telling us you've never been to Mexico.

Free range eggs have gotten stupid expensive here, around 6/dozen. It's still not economical to raise em'? I've been thinking about it.
The good thing about Mexico is that it is close, inexpensive, they are fairly self sufficient, the government is corrupt (and everyone knows it) but not particularly powerful, it's big with varied terrain, relatively wealthy from petro dollars and they are not hip with the Davos/WEF crowd. Canada as we've seen is not the place to be, as much as I'd prefer it.
Those are all good valid reasons.

For me, the worry would be more about the cartels and how the police/gov there are not going to be protecting anyone, especially an outsider. I probably will never go back to Mexico again ever. Done. PS: That is not a jab at the Mexican peoples themselves. Good people. Now, if you knew someone down there already and had way to get there safely, and they have stock, that would make it more attractive.
Those are all good valid reasons.

For me, the worry would be more about the cartels and how the police/gov there are not going to be protecting anyone, especially an outsider. I probably will never go back to Mexico again ever. Done. PS: That is not a jab at the Mexican peoples themselves. Good people. Now, if you knew someone down there already and had way to get there safely, and they have stock, that would make it more attractive.
Yeah don't fuck with the cartels :ROFLMAO: ... What happened?
PS: I've considered raising chickens for a long time but everyone I talk too, @VonBonfire just confirmed, they are a lot of work.
They aren't that much work if you have an enclosed run and feeders. But someone needs to clean the coop a couple times a year. Good luck finding volunteers. If you raise chicks then you need to do something with the roosters before they start all day raping and tearing the hens up. That means you gotta slaughter roosters. And process them unless you're just going to feed them to the dogs. Processing a chicken without an automatic defeathering maching is a lot of work.