What is your DAW setup?



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It appears that my older DAW may have finally kicked and I might be in the market for something new, however I will basically be starting from scratch as all of the software I had is not really possible to port/upgrade (this was a Windows XP machine). Have also been running an older FireWire MOTU 896hd which also probably can be replaced/upgraded…

To put this another way, while I have a good understanding of DAWs I am ~12yr+ behind the times. So, what is the must haves and most cost effective paths for the home hobbyist these days in terms of software and interface? I have historically existed in the Cubase realm but am really open to anything at this stage. Will need some level of plugins for mixing/mastering as well.

I will probably add some drum software (have a Roland td50 that I keep swearing I’m going to start taking lessons), either Steven slate or superior drummer…
Universal Audio Apollo Twin (or one of the models with more inputs if you want multiple instruments/devices plugged in) into Logic Pro

UA plugins are some of the best out there and used by professionals alongside actual physical equipment they’re modeled after

Good luck, can’t wait to see what you end up going with, it’s gonna be a lot of fun!
My daw used to consist of a basic Windows 8 computer that I used my Scarlett 2i2 as a sound card to feed into my cheap no name monitors so I could play backing tracks loud enough to play along with my tube amps when I wanted to jam lol That stuff hasn't been unpacked in probably 2 years. I TRIED to use my Katana first as an interface to just record some basic riffs but the input lag made it impossible to play over top of them, and the Scarlett didn't make it any better. You guys that know how to use all that digital stuff and record multitrack songs with solos and drum machines and all that have my respect because I couldn't do that stuff if my life depended on it.
For windows, Reaper all day every day for DAW. Cheap, customizable, can do anything.
I use bandlab (free) to record and usually mixbus 10 to mix. But i could just as easily do everything in bandlab.
If I were starting over from scratch and open to any daw software, I’d go with a Universal Audio Apollo device (choose whatever is in your budget and has the amount of connections you want) and Luna.
Luna is UA’s free DAW that you can use with their hardware interfaces.

I currently use Pro Tools Studio with an Apollo X6 on a Mac.
Suppose I should say I am 99.99% ties in to Windows. Have a different PC that I will likely already port over to and have historically been allergic to Mac
Logic Pro on a mac mini with an Apogee Element interface. Also have the Blackstar Polar two channel that is surprisingly good.

I just purchased a Polar 2 a couple of months ago. I am pleasantly surprised by how well it has performed so far. I use it nTrack. I know it isn't a well known DAW but I started using it back in 1999 and it works for me.
Reaper. It's customizable and really user friendly. That's the best one. It's free to try it out too.
Anybody running the UA Apollo (x4…) on a windows system? Some digging and am finding some horror stories from Reddit but a vocal minority can easily sway that….
Anybody running the UA Apollo (x4…) on a windows system? Some digging and am finding some horror stories from Reddit but a vocal minority can easily sway that….

i dont run my apollo twin with windows, but for whatever it is worth, mine has been going strong for almost 10 years now...have replaced computers to the point i have to use adapters for the connections on the back of the computer but the apollo itself just keeps tickin...its kind of wild tbh

hope you decide to go the apollo route ultimately
i dont run my apollo twin with windows, but for whatever it is worth, mine has been going strong for almost 10 years now...have replaced computers to the point i have to use adapters for the connections on the back of the computer but the apollo itself just keeps tickin...its kind of wild tbh

hope you decide to go the apollo route ultimately
Don’t doubt the gear, it’s the Thunderbolt aspect of the Apollo that seems to be the culprit when it comes to Windows
Don’t doubt the gear, it’s the Thunderbolt aspect of the Apollo that seems to be the culprit when it comes to Windows

ah i didnt know that, but yea thats the exact bit i use an adaptor for even on my mac
I use Sonar Artist with a Behringer UM204HD or something like that. Basic, effective, high quality sounding and extremely cost effective.

EDIT: Basic in the way that it all works. It is highly tweakable and usable DAW, just like all the rest.