We are running Logic Pro with a Mac Pro (the Darth Vader looking one) with an Apogee Ensemble interface, UA LA610 and Warm WA73 EQ and a PV TMP1 preamps in addition to the Apogee preamps. A Crest Audio outboard mixing board that also has some nice pre’s in it. Drums are done on a Roland V drum set that runs Superior Drummer 3 with a iconnectivity Mio 10 midi hub/merger due to the Apogee not having midi inputs. So we are playing the drums using the SD3 sounds direct with live miced up cymbals (my drummer hates the feel of the V drum cymbal pads) while hearing them through the live system which is the Crest Audio board into 2 Crown XLS 2502’s, 1 running 2 EAW FR253HR’s hi-passed at 80hz and another 2502 running bridged into a JBL SRX 215 sub lo-passed at around 70-80 hz that will move the hair on your arms.
The interface runs everything on Thunderbolt with no audible latency in the drum system.
We had a few teething problems at first but got them worked out and it’s been running fine for a few years now.
I still use mics and good mic pre’s on 412 cabs for guitar and a combination of miced up bass cabs and a direct signal that runs XLR direct from a Tech 21 DP-3X that crushes.Mics for guitar are Royer 121 ribbons, SM 57’s, Senn 421’s and a Bock 195
Cymbal mikes are AT C414B’s and a Neuman on the hi hat
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