What is your DAW setup?

We are running Logic Pro with a Mac Pro (the Darth Vader looking one) with an Apogee Ensemble interface, UA LA610 and Warm WA73 EQ and a PV TMP1 preamps in addition to the Apogee preamps. A Crest Audio outboard mixing board that also has some nice pre’s in it. Drums are done on a Roland V drum set that runs Superior Drummer 3 with a iconnectivity Mio 10 midi hub/merger due to the Apogee not having midi inputs. So we are playing the drums using the SD3 sounds direct with live miced up cymbals (my drummer hates the feel of the V drum cymbal pads) while hearing them through the live system which is the Crest Audio board into 2 Crown XLS 2502’s, 1 running 2 EAW FR253HR’s hi-passed at 80hz and another 2502 running bridged into a JBL SRX 215 sub lo-passed at around 70-80 hz that will move the hair on your arms.
The interface runs everything on Thunderbolt with no audible latency in the drum system.
We had a few teething problems at first but got them worked out and it’s been running fine for a few years now.
I still use mics and good mic pre’s on 412 cabs for guitar and a combination of miced up bass cabs and a direct signal that runs XLR direct from a Tech 21 DP-3X that crushes.Mics for guitar are Royer 121 ribbons, SM 57’s, Senn 421’s and a Bock 195
Cymbal mikes are AT C414B’s and a Neuman on the hi hat
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My daw used to consist of a basic Windows 8 computer that I used my Scarlett 2i2 as a sound card to feed into my cheap no name monitors so I could play backing tracks loud enough to play along with my tube amps when I wanted to jam lol That stuff hasn't been unpacked in probably 2 years. I TRIED to use my Katana first as an interface to just record some basic riffs but the input lag made it impossible to play over top of them, and the Scarlett didn't make it any better. You guys that know how to use all that digital stuff and record multitrack songs with solos and drum machines and all that have my respect because I couldn't do that stuff if my life depended on it.
I record with my Katana and I have no lag. You definitely missed a step somewhere along the line...
I just have a long standing hatred of Macs….and also have a solidly capable PC I can convert so my preference would be to go that route

I hate Apple and Iphones and them wanting to tie all your accounts to their ecosystem BUT I have to admit that they are smooth and for music, a definitely nice to have.
We are running Logic Pro with a Mac Pro (the Darth Vader looking one) with an Apogee Ensemble interface, UA LA610 and Warm WA73 EQ and a PV TMP1 preamps in addition to the Apogee preamps. A Crest Audio outboard mixing board that also has some nice pre’s in it. Drums are done on a Roland V drum set that runs Superior Drummer 3 with a iconnectivity Mio 10 midi hub/merger due to the Apogee not having midi inputs. So we are playing the drums using the SD3 sounds direct with live miced up cymbals (my drummer hates the feel of the V drum cymbal pads) while hearing them through the live system which is the Crest Audio board into 2 Crown XLS 2502’s, 1 running 2 EAW FR253HR’s hi-passed at 80hz and another 2502 running bridged into a JBL SRX 215 sub lo-passed at around 70-80 hz that will move the hair on your arms.
The interface runs everything on Thunderbolt with no audible latency in the drum system.
We had a few teething problems at first but got them worked out and it’s been running fine for a few years now.
I still use mics and good mic pre’s on 412 cabs for guitar and a combination of miced up bass cabs and a direct signal that runs XLR direct from a Tech 21 DP-3X that crushes.Mics for guitar are Royer 121 ribbons, SM 57’s, Senn 421’s and a Bock 195
Cymbal mikes are AT C414B’s and a Neuman on the hi hatView attachment 391919View attachment 391920

Love the chaos! No bass traps here, sit perfect distance from the wall etc etc.. just having at it and making music.
@JTyson Brother I see that ADAT.

Is that the 20-bit one that came out a few years after the 16-bit model I owned back in the '90s?
Went thru this a while back. Really just need a new computer and interface, since my laptop gave up and the Apogee Duet is outdated.
Ended up with a new MBP and SSL12 for an interface. Using Garageband, for now.
Yamaha HS8s for monitors.
It works. The SSL12 is quite a bit more verstaile than the Apogee Duet, so it came with a learning curve. I still haven't explored all of the capabilities, tbh. The sound is good. Workflow not as plug n play, but I haven't spent enough time with it yet.
@JTyson Brother I see that ADAT.

Is that the 20-bit one that came out a few years after the 16-bit model I owned back in the '90s?
I’ve never used it.
I traded some work out to a guy for it, he said it only had a few hours on it, but I’ve never actually used it. It just sits there .
I had already changed to DAW systems when I got it.

You need one?
The Polar 2 works really great with the Tonex software. Its what I have been using to practice and learn tunes. Not big on the ST James plugin, but its ok.

I ended up uninstalling the St James suite. I have other plugins that sound much better.
I’ve never used it.
I traded some work out to a guy for it, he said it only had a few hours on it, but I’ve never actually used it. It just sits there .
I had already changed to DAW systems when I got it.

You need one?
No thanks bro'.

When the drumhead goes out-of-alignment, which it often does, it doesn't stripe the tape at exactly the right angle and therefore the machine doesn't work and needs adjusting.

The unit I bought circa 1994/5 didn't work out-of-the-box and I spent 2 years driving it across town for repeated alignments. The tech told me that the scenario wasn't unheard of and that the adjustments "eventually take".

Weird. Even if you end up selling it, it might still be an idea to see if it works and if not, head alignment will likely be the issue IMHO.
Suhr Reactive Load IR - SSL2+ - iPad Pro or Quad Cortex - iPad Pro. Garageband or Beatmaker 3 for an app. Genelec G3 for monitoring.
I’m on a Mac Studio with Logic Pro. Focusrite Claret 8pre and OctoPre with a few ToneLux mic pre’s.
SSL 12 comes today.
2 XLRs will be used for stereo setup.
1 XLR will be for bass amp DI.
And the other will alternate between a room mic and vocal mic. I don’t do vox a lot so it’ll probably be a room mic more often than not.