What modulation is EVH using here? Chorus?

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anybody here rocking an eventide rack unit for their micro pitch shifting or chorus rock tones?
i can understand the why behind vh using micropitch but by 5150 his eventide tones and solos were getting too wide and pop rock for my hardcore vh I/II tastes. now i can listen to stuff from unlawful and balance and enjoy it.

for effected crunch sounds i preferred landau

huff/giant tones

and slamer/steelhouse lane
Do you think the Eventide was added in the mastering process or do you think Ed was somehow running these Eventide H910 and H949's after his Marshall and then slaved into a power amp to 4x12 cabinets in the studio?

Here's a guy running an actual Eventide H910 in a stereo re-amp rig. The actual H910 sounds so much better than my Pitchfactor....WOW!:yes:

The actual H910 doesn't overwhelm the original guitar tone, it just enhances it.......

First, GREAT contributions above! Loved the previous posts!

Regarding your question, no way I can verify, but I'm fairly certain the Eventides would have been set to 100% on the rack units and mixed to taste (50-60% etc) on a separate bus on the board during the mixing process. Either way it's six of one, half a dozen getting the resulting effect but it's permanent if the effect is recorded direct on the track - then you're stuck if it's too much or not enough effect.
Believe this was still the H910 on this album?
I don’t claim to be a VH tone chaser so I’m more than happy to stand corrected. I know he used the H910 and H949 but was a huge fan of the H949.
I think the modulation sound is coming from the software/processing used to isolate the track. This is not a stand alone track from the original recording. It’s highly eq’d and processed and creating an artifact.

Just my two cents.
I don’t claim to be a VH tone chaser so I’m more than happy to stand corrected. I know he used the H910 and H949 but was a huge fan of the H949.
I couldn't care less if he used either...FWIW the H949 came out in 1977, so he probably was using it for Fair Warning. And hell yes, the 949 is awesome.
I don’t claim to be a VH tone chaser so I’m more than happy to stand corrected. I know he used the H910 and H949 but was a huge fan of the H949.
I couldn't care less if he used either...FWIW the H949 came out in 1977, so he probably was using it for Fair Warning. And hell yes, the 949 is awesome.
I delved further into this and I revisited the exact same settings above today: .999 Pitch A and the 1.000 Pitch B but with the H910 and the H949 emulations and I listened intently to see if there were any differences and to my surprise there were.....

The H910 had more of an intense phase shift swirl to it and it was obvious it had detune going on and the H949 was alot more subtle with less of a noticeable phase swirl going on....I really had to pay attention but the detune was there and I feel the guitar main dry tone shined through a little better with the H949-1 on the Pitchfactor. I think the H949-2 setting is H949 modern selection whatever that it is? I didn't try that one.

I liked them both but the argument that the H949 was used seemed to be supported by what I heard today. You can't go wrong with either depending how you hear it in front of the 4x12 cabinets and what you want to hear but I may be in the H949 camp now.:unsure::yes::LOL:
I delved further into this and I revisited the exact same settings above today: .999 Pitch A and the 1.000 Pitch B but with the H910 and the H949 emulations and I listened intently to see if there were any differences and to my surprise there were.....

The H910 had more of an intense phase shift swirl to it and it was obvious it had detune going on and the H949 was alot more subtle with less of a noticeable phase swirl going on....I really had to pay attention but the detune was there and I feel the guitar main dry tone shined through a little better with the H949-1 on the Pitchfactor. I think the H949-2 setting is H949 modern selection whatever that it is? I didn't try that one.

I liked them both but the argument that the H949 was used seemed to be supported by what I heard today. You can't go wrong with either depending how you hear it in front of the 4x12 cabinets and what you want to hear but I may be in the H949 camp now.:unsure::yes::LOL: