My Friedman SS100. I sent it to Dave and had some mods done like changing the gain channel, negative feedback control, SAT switch, boost turned into 3rd channnel, etc.
I’ve had it for at least 3 or 4 years and it sent all my other amps packing. I stopped playing all of them because the Friedman was so fun to play, as well as sounding EPIC and GLORIOUS!!
But, I will admit, I briefly teeter tottered when my friend offered me his BE Deluxe in trade, and again I teeter tottered when he offered one of his wizards, but in the ends, I just could not part with it. I love the be50 deluxe, and the wizard, but I view my amp as irreplaceable.
We have put my amp up against almost every amp out there and we always chose my modded SS100. It’s so versatile and excels in so many ways.
I got a bogner 2x12 with vintage 30 and creamback a couple years ago and it is perfect with my Friedman. I only had a couple other cabs but those went along with the other amps.
The amp and cab are serious staples in my collection.