What piece of gear has been a staple in your collection?

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Amp - Jet City Earhart that I've had for over 9 years now. Prototype re-badged Cornford MK50HII, and although it sucks for bedroom volumes, I love how it sounds on the stage and in the studio. Pretty much mothballed now, but I don't think I'd ever sell it.

Guitars - Sterling by MusicMan AX40 that I've had for 11 years. Upgraded bridge pickup to a Peavey Wolfgang and swapped the trem for a knockoff Gotoh Floyd. I'm sure I'd love a USA Axis a lot more, but the neck fits my hands really well and it has never let me down since day 1. Also have a newer AX40 I got through a limited endorsement deal with Sterling that has factory DiMarizo Axis/EVH pickups (and a real Gotoh trem I later added) , but it doesn't sound nearly as good as the other one.

Cabs - Marshall JCM800/1960A from '86 that I bought 6 or 7 years ago. Swapped the T-75s for a pair of '78 era Blackbacks and a pair of EVH Celestions. Really love playing my buddy's XTC 101b and my XTC 3534 through this. 2nd cab is a Jet City 4x12 that was built to go with the Earhart, has Mesa V30s. Solid tone.

None of these I could part with, and they've lasted through scores of other gear that's gone in and out over the years.
My Friedman SS100. I sent it to Dave and had some mods done like changing the gain channel, negative feedback control, SAT switch, boost turned into 3rd channnel, etc.

I’ve had it for at least 3 or 4 years and it sent all my other amps packing. I stopped playing all of them because the Friedman was so fun to play, as well as sounding EPIC and GLORIOUS!!

But, I will admit, I briefly teeter tottered when my friend offered me his BE Deluxe in trade, and again I teeter tottered when he offered one of his wizards, but in the ends, I just could not part with it. I love the be50 deluxe, and the wizard, but I view my amp as irreplaceable.

We have put my amp up against almost every amp out there and we always chose my modded SS100. It’s so versatile and excels in so many ways.

I got a bogner 2x12 with vintage 30 and creamback a couple years ago and it is perfect with my Friedman. I only had a couple other cabs but those went along with the other amps.

The amp and cab are serious staples in my collection.
Ibanez Tube King TK999US. It's the overdrive/boost I use in front of my tube amps 95% of the time Just enough gain to get a hint of break up, pull back on the bass for a bit of low cut, mids at 75%, and crank the output.

I also have an Egnater Tourmaster 4x12 slant cab with Vintage 30s that I'll never part with. I've paired it with a bunch of different heads, and it always seems to bring out the best in them. I'll be hauling that thing around when I'm 70.
2005 PRS Custom 24 (my first high end guitar), Gibson Axcess Custom in silverburst, LTD EC-1000 (the cheapest guitar I own but it plays like butter and has some serious mojo. I let a full on eclipse go before it), a Mesa Recto cab, and a TS9 or TS808. With those I can basically play anything I would want and make any amp sound good enough.
For over 10 years my Fortin modded VTM120 was my #1 amp. A lot of amps came and went during that time but that amp was my preference over all of them. I really only sold it because I knew it would be the hardest to let go of while I'm winding down on my playing.
My Vox Delaylab is and has been my number 1 effect/delay pedal. It's really all I need. I've had it over 10 years too.
My PLX Bion Boost is my favorite (by a lot) boost pedal.
And finally my First Act Overtone has been my number 1 guitar for over 10 years also. Best $49 ever!
Ibanez PGM301 I’ve had the longest, maybe15 years perhaps, can never imagine letting that go, still play it often.
KSR Artemis II (about 5 years) is another I can never imagine letting go.
Bogner Uberschall I’ve had for about 9 years, was a dream amp for so many years, when I finally got it just don’t know if I can ever part, but seldom play it.
I have a few other things but those are probably the guitar/amps I’ve had the longest currently.

i had my Ibanez RG440P Roadster II from 1987 - about 2008, creative surgery on it fucked it up, still regret that, so stupid.
Mkiii red stripe coliseum
Tc 2290( fully loaded and serviced, ready for another 30 yrs)
Custom shop charvels
Custom shop strats and teles
20 spc bradshaw rack
Of all the amps I've owned, from a Friedman Be-100 Deluxe to Rockerverbs and so on, the JCM 800 is the single amp I've never considered living without. Redbacks are now a part of the staple.
I've had an EHX Deluxe Memory Man since the 90s and still have a TU2 tuner from around then. The sick prices have tempted me to sell the DMM but I'm holding it for now.
1989 engl 520 prototype 3 channel preamp