What speakers are you all using these days?

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I'm going to be in the market for some new speakers to put in one of my 412 cabs. I have Mojotone Greyhounds right now but I'm not liking them as much now that they've broken in. They started out with some good midrange and nice upper end bite. Now that they've broken in they've kept most of the mids but lost the bite and sound rather bland. They don't necessarily sound bad, they just don't have character anymore and became generic sounding.

I'm looking at some Weber Grey Wolf/Silver Wolf speakers, but looking into some other options for consideration. What are your favorite ones your using now-a-days?
I used to use plain ol Celestion 75s for the longest time, then had the Marshall V30s in one of their Vintage cabs for a little while, but since I got the 1960TV cab a couple years ago with UK Greenbacks, I haven't used anything else. Granted, I'm too lazy to go get other speakers to test or buy other cabs with different speakers, so my laziness means I will have to play Greenbacks until the day I die lol
In my stable I have:

G12 vintage
scumback 65
eminence jaguars
Celestion Redbacks - 4 in a 412 is my new favorite. I like it even more than my Fryette 412 with Fane F70, which had been my favorite for a long time. I also like v30s/Creamback H75s mixed in a 412. Scumbacks are great speakers as well.
Most often I’m using white label G12T-75’s in an oversized 2x12 or G12C greenbacks in a 1960A cab. I also have a Mesa Recto OS w/V30’s and another 2x12 I just put Heritage G12-65’s in, but there’s something about those old T75’s I really like.
Scumback m75, celestion vented T75s, celestion UK v30s, greenback reissue

I love ev12Ls, fanes f70, creambacks, redbacks, and every scumback I've ever played though

G12h anniversary are great speakers too

Find them the most articulate for speedy stuff with lots of gain.
I do have to use an LP filter set around 5KHz to get rid of the occasional ice pick though.

Was a long time Scumback M-Series user and can't say enough good things about Jim Seavall.
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I like 8 ohm Celestion V30's for recording.

I like 16 ohm V30's, EVH's, and RI Greenbacks for in-the-room sounds.
Celestion Redbacks - 4 in a 412 is my new favorite. I like it even more than my Fryette 412 with Fane F70, which had been my favorite for a long time. I also like v30s/Creamback H75s mixed in a 412. Scumbacks are great speakers as well.
I almost forgot about Redbacks. I've eyed them a time or two also, but keep riding the fence. Clips sound pretty good, but I've also read that they can be rather dark. Though I'm wondering if those who say they're dark have played them in person. In clips I hear some thicker lower mids, especially compared to a V30 but I wouldn't necessarily describe it as dark.
There are a ton of great speakers out there to try. But for me, right now I’m still mixing my old favorite 4x12 cabs. I use a Mesa Recto 4x12 with V30’s and an EVH 4x12 with the EVH speakers (relabeled Heritage Greenbacks) and I really dig the sounds I’m getting.
A Scumback 65w M75 and 65w BM75 in a 2x12 are killer with my 1987x. Love 'em.

I have a greenback/ V30 mix in my 4x12. If I were starting from scratch I'd go with all greenbacks, or bite the bullet and go Scumbacks.
There are a ton of great speakers out there to try. But for me, right now I’m still mixing my old favorite 4x12 cabs. I use a Mesa Recto 4x12 with V30’s and an EVH 4x12 with the EVH speakers (relabeled Heritage Greenbacks) and I really dig the sounds I’m getting.
Those EVH cabs are bad ass ..... I did some tolex work for a guy on one ....... I fell in love with it .... that's why I loaded my Marshall cab with the " Eddie " backs
v30s + T75s is my tried and true combo in an uberkab. Otherwise ive been loving redbacks and its hard to go wrong with just plain ol greenbacks
G12 65s
1972 GBs
Pair of 1966 H25s with GB reissues
1988 Marshall V30s
2 JBL 120s with 2 Altec 417s

That JBL/Altec combo is insanely good for heavy stuff. That and the 88 Marshall Vintage cab get most of my time.
I’ve got a closet stacked to the ceiling with raw speakers. My 3 go to’s:

UK Greenback Reissues
Fane F25’s
Old Vintage 30’s
My old go to UK made Vintage 30's in my '99 Mesa Recto Cab.....that particular cab just works with everything and there is a reason I have kept it.

My new fave is absolutely the Redback! Totally a convert to those speakers now. I find them to be a great, well balanced speaker: not boomy, not shrill and not really spiky in any mid frequencies either. I suppose without some of that top end or upper mid emphasis, you could interpret it as being a "big and warm" speaker, but it certainly is very clear, let's an amps character really shine, and ya....just another great speaker that kills with everything I have tried with them.
I almost forgot about Redbacks. I've eyed them a time or two also, but keep riding the fence. Clips sound pretty good, but I've also read that they can be rather dark. Though I'm wondering if those who say they're dark have played them in person. In clips I hear some thicker lower mids, especially compared to a V30 but I wouldn't necessarily describe it as dark.

I was afraid of them being too dark when I bought mine. I actually held off buying for awhile because of that. Finally just ordered some because I had to try. Glad I did. They are not overly dark at all. I love a bright, aggressive tone too.
I've got a Marshall 2061 cab with original speakers I use daily, but don't know what's in the cab.

Also have a single bluesbreaker style cab by Sourmash with a Scumback M75PVC that sounds great!