What speakers do you like with your Diezel?

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I've played my diezel herb dean 3 through following at my house:

Avatar fane m65
Avatar fane h75
Vintage 30
Veteran 30
Legend V12
Classic Lead80
Fane F70
Private Jack's

*Greenbacks - sound good until you actually start chunking alot at volume. They will lose definition in the bass. Before that point they sound good.

*Eminence v12 - too fuzzy in the bass when you put volume to them with a herbert

*Classic Lead 80 - this was hollow & shrill (love these with a mesa triple crown or mkiv)

*Avatar H75 - not bad, but for some reason there is a very specific fizz happening with these and they are a little bit less defined than the regular f70 with the diezel, the h75 sounds great with a marshall though)

*Avatar M65 - This is like a more capable greenback. Tighter lows. Good punch. Great speakers with a marshall. But with the diezel voicing, the mids just aren't right.

*WGS veteran 30 - Less upper mids than the vintage 30, seems like it has more high end than a vintage 30 right above the high mid area. Great speaker, sounds good with about everything. Pretty good with the diezel actually.

*Vintage 30 - these are normal production vintage 30s from no special time period and while they sound decent with the diezel, its stringy. It sounds less ballsy that a fane f70 overall. When I dial the amp for more thump the v30s start losing definition in the mids/low mids and it's easy to dial precense/highs into brittle territory trying to counter act the stuffy low mids.

Fane F70 - Good speakers, more defined than the H75 version through this circuit. Very thick mids across the spectrum. Almost too much in the low mids with the diezel though, it's like on the verge of being unpleasant. Have to dial the bass back on the amp to compensate a little the f70 has more beef in the tone than a v30. Its also more pleasant in the upper frequencies (these have been pummeled). I'm currently running these in a 412 with redbacks for the herb, and from what I can tell, I'd probably like 4 f70 due to the upper mids & highs being more in the mix which I feel a diezel kind of needs.

Redbacks - It's like a slightly less broad f70, be careful with a dark amp. I love redbacks with the triple crowns and mk series. Somehow the fane f70 sounds thicker in the same cab with better definition in the upper half of the spectrum ??‍♂️

Private Jack's - these are some interesting voiced speakers. I've hated them with everything, only kept them around in a cab because they SLAY with a prs archon 100 running e34l. I mean it was a brutal, dark but still upper mid crunchy tone. Every amp I've put through them since sounded ass. ? The Jack's are NOT a greenback. They have shifted upper mid response and alot of crunch., hollow low mids with decent bass response (slightly better than greenback with lower capabilities). I was surprised I like these with a diezel, the voicing gives a completely different tone and feel than every other speaker with this circuit. BUT they don't hold bass good as the f70 or redback so you end up compromising the bass response for a slightly thinner low end, but a totally different mid crunch response that doesn't sound as congested as usual.

This amp is the pickiest amp I've ever had when it comes to speakers.... so much so that I've contemplated selling it lately. I keep hanging onto it because its a unicorn. Maybe it's just not MY unicorn.

That being said, the fane/redback combo like volume. They hold together very well. Better than the private Jack's after a certain threshold.

This is all judged based off a diezel circuit. I have different opinions with other amps. These opinions apply to the herbert mkiii.