Been using one of the OG Fulltone Clyde Deluxe units for a LONG time. Bitch is, it's gotten noisy. Too noisy to keep on my board. Sent *several* emails to Mike/Support re: getting a new pot that I could solder in - nada. Nothing.
It's my fave wah, but maybe that's just because it's been my only wah. If I don't get some positive action from the Fuller camp reasonably soon? I'm in the market for a decent wah - so this thread could not have come at a better time. I'm not a monster wah user, but when I do use it, it needs to be excellent with both single coil and humbucker equipped fiddles. That's what I loved about the Clyde Deluxe - options. But this thread may have me shift into a new product...
I have heard very good things about the aforementioned MXR CAE unit. It might be time.