What was you’re first guitar?

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Love that SG :love:
Me Too! We're getting cremated together one day. It's an 08 SG Diablo (silver tongued devil) in case you were wondering!

Someone else loved it enough to knock it off as the chibson in this ahole's video even lifted my #176, but the serial is off by one number to the real thing.

Mine, the real one:
Nice Rich. My first guitar teacher, in the mid 80"s, had a real nice Mockingbird. Awesome guitars.
Absolutely stellar guitar. If I'm not mistaken I believe it was crafted by Stradivarius himself. Well, him or Moser.
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Ya I remember the Diablos but don't think I've ever seen a silver one! :love:
DeArmond M-65 in red, purchased in April of 1996 at Guitar Source (RIP). I was obsessed with Boston at the time, and wanted a Les Paul style guitar a la Tom Scholz, and that was the only one cheap enough that still sort of looked like an LP. $300 got me that guitar, a cable, and a Peavey Rage 158.
Mine was a Ventura Nylon String/Classical, and a 66 Strat .. Got the Classical from my mom, who I can't even remember her playing it, and I definitely never learned how to play Classical music. I did learn rock on it though and wrote tunes on it. The 66 Strat with case and a Gretsch Tube amp cost me a grand total of $200.00 in 1974. Still have the guitar :)

Good ole ESP F-100FM. Only guitar I ever dropped as well. Learned my lesson with handling guitars after that. First guitar I ever used to try out for a band. Actually I never made a band I tried out for with that guitar. I always wanted to put EMG's in it but never had the cash, and when I did have the cash I moved on to much more expensive guitars, but that thing stayed with me for years. lost it at the pawn shop, and never saw it come up for sale again.
I always thought about going to ESP's custom shop and spec'ing it how I would've wanted that one, a Metalcore monster. It was also the last birthday gift my dad bought me before he passed. Man that was a good guitar.
It was an el cheapo Antares something or another. Looked kind of like this but I don't think it had the same head stock. In college I ended up trading it for some white powder for my nose.

Electra Omega . Les paul copy but it had a brass nut and 2 toggle switches for the tone . Kinda wish I still had it because it sounded like a chainsaw . It fell out of the strap and broke the headstock and I kind of lost interest in it after that.
Some kind of sunburst Teisco one pickup job with strings about a half inch off the neck. It was awful but it was all mine.
It was an el cheapo Antares something or another. Looked kind of like this but I don't think it had the same head stock. In college I ended up trading it for some white powder for my nose.

Do you still have that powder?
I was wrong when I said mine was a Fender Jaguar my first guitar was a Spalding tennis racket with a piece of yarn for a strap??? we had a utility tub in our basement and I used to wet my hair down and my shirt and have my own concert all the time. Around 1978 or 80
first guitar was a Dorado by Gretsch, a 3/4 acoustic. action was high enough you could use it like a dobro. First electric was a Hondo strat copy, quite an upgrade!
My first guitar was a Kramer Striker. I kind of miss that guitar. The one I really miss is the Peavey Vandenberg which was signed by Adrian himself.
I sort of took over a black Fenix strat from my brother and started playing on that, but the first one that was my own was a Yamaha RGX120 I think I got in 1993.
My first guitar was a Kramer Striker. I kind of miss that guitar. The one I really miss is the Peavey Vandenberg which was signed by Adrian himself.
the Peavey Vandenberg was a badass guitar!!!
A barely playable 50's Supro archtop (currently in pieces somewhere in my attic). Worked well enough to get me to the next step- a Yamaha classical that I could noodle on.

First electric I built myself in high school. "Local" guitar store in Toronto had a build-your-own-guitar course. Took two buses and a subway there and back twice a week for months. You did everything except spray the finish (gluing/sawing the body, shaping the neck, installing/leveling the frets ...). It was like a dream come true for me at that age to constantly hang out in that shop. Played that thing until the neck completely warped.