Rottingcorpse to be honest should of been
Just suits him.
Just suits him.
I always thought Marshall Law would be a cool name for Southern rock band…. I.e., 38Special, Marshall Tucker band, etc.What can I say?
Same here...You guys will never guess where mine comes from.
I play guitar and my name is Mike - pretty ingenious, I know.
When I was on UG I was 311ZOSOVHJH
On the Splawn forum I am Splawndude
So here I just combined the 2
311ZOSOVHJH is more interesting as that is a combination of some of my favorite music:
Jimmy Page
Van Halen
Jimi Hendrix
My is a synonym for one of my favorite albums.
Any guesses?
Bingo!Fear Inoculum?
Fear Inoculum?
Right on. Yeah, they incorporate a little bit of everything. Rock. Jazz. Metal. Reggae. Mosaic album a few years ago might be their heaviest. Bassist, P-Nut, wants to take a break so sounds like they will be on hiatus. So I'm going to make the effort to see them this Fall and then do the 311 Day Cruise in March to Belize and back.Ya man 311. Love their stuff. Really original. I can’t even label it. Little Rock. Jazz.
Dime their clean tunes with them stops in the middle just kill. Still listen to Down.
Mine is a poorly thought out, half assed, half complete anagram of my first name. Also in reference to my favorite wrestler during a brief and short lived reacquaintance with said sport after not watching at all for 15 years.
Bonus trivia: my current avatar is pro-one thing and against two other things.