What's the deal with Harry Joyce amps

  • Thread starter Thread starter MadAsAHatter
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@WilfredTASD and @CenterNegative I think that's enough of the ad-hominem sibling / family attacks thanks.

Nothing to gain by repeating them ad-infinitum.
Lets not run these guys off, we should embrace them. This shit is entertaining as hell. Can we get Larry in here too?
Let’s not run these guys off, we should embrace

Thanks mate; good job. :LOL:
You just told me not to respond to @Classic Stones Live and THEN you like the post of the guy telling me to KEEP ON IT this better not result in the promise of rectal exams like last time ?? #rig-talk #loosebutthole
Not exactly a nifty manipulation of the facts. That's low-grade politician-level stuff mate.
You just told me not to respond to @Classic Stones Live
I did not. Maybe re-read my post?

I think that's enough of the ad-hominem sibling / family attacks thanks.
The only universe in which your claim could be true would be in one where you're not capable of responding in any other way. :dunno:
Not exactly a nifty manipulation of the facts. That's low-grade politician-level stuff mate.

I did not. Maybe re-read my post?

The only universe in which your claim could be true would be in one where you're not capable of responding in any other way. :dunno:
I’m not, so it must be true. ?
Ha! :LOL:

Hey man, I felt kinda-bad about that response; there's absolutely no drama whatsoever FWIMBW.

Just that some of the stuff you guys were sayin' about nailing peeps from an old-age home and whatnot was a bit OTT. If I hadn't have stepped in and you'd continued, the thread would've been moved to OTC, where as a matter of fact those comments would likely have been removed or discouraged anyway.

So yeah, just not quite appropriate for the main forum.
Ha! :LOL:

Hey man, I felt kinda-bad about that response; there's absolutely no drama whatsoever FWIMBW.

Just that some of the stuff you guys were sayin' about nailing peeps from an old-age home and whatnot was a bit OTT. If I hadn't have stepped in and you'd continued, the thread would've been moved to OTC, where as a matter of fact those comments would likely have been removed or discouraged anyway.

So yeah, just not quite appropriate for the main forum.
I totally respect that, which is exactly why I refrained from posting photos of @Classic Stones Live ”sons” having a tickle fight while wearing Peter Pan tights, AFTER he said they were going to ??? “murder” me. ?
I will never speak of any of them again on this forum, mark my words!
I don’t know what FWIMBW means but unfortunately I can’t be friends with benefits with you, at this time.
FWIMBW = For What It Might Be Worth

That and these are super-common on the inter webs:
IMHO = in my humble opinion
SMH = shaking my head
AFAICT = as far as I can tell
AFAIC = as far as I'm concerned
HTH = hope that / this helps

All-good bro'. :thumbsup: HTH :LOL:
FWIMBW = For What It Might Be Worth

That and these are super-common on the inter webs:
IMHO = in my humble opinion
SMH = shaking my head
AFAICT = as far as I can tell
AFAIC = as far as I'm concerned
HTH = hope that / this helps

All-good bro'. :thumbsup: HTH :LOL:
I learn something new every day. Speaking of new, it’s not really my fault that I don’t know anything because I’ve only had the internet since like 1992 so I haven’t had that much practice. DYSWIDTIHAGP

I learn something new every day. Speaking of new, it’s not really my fault that I don’t know anything because I’ve only had the internet since like 1992 so I haven’t had that much practice. DYSWIDTIHAGP
DYSWIDTIHAGP = did you see what I did there I hope... but the "AGP" bit I didn't get. :confused:
DYSWIDTIHAGP = did you see what I did there I hope... but the "AGP" bit I didn't get. :confused:
Did You See What I Did There I Have A Giant Penis

I mean as long as we’re just turning all our thoughts into acronyms and everything ??
Well if I can’t torment my enemies, and I don’t even know if Harry Joyce is even still in business, then this entire thread has become untenable.
Never fear mate; threads have a way of hanging around.

I put it down to self-justifying realities and all that. Besides, as something grows, it eventually creates its own gravity. :dunno: