When did Marshall change their 4x12 wiring to parallel-series?

  • Thread starter Thread starter fearhk213
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So the 4 ohm setting is parallel parallel ?

That makes sense. I was changing my post before I saw yours. Lack of sleep.
I only know enough to be dangerous about this stuff lol, but it makes sense from an ohmage stand point that they would run parallel at the jack as well since you’re ending up with 4 ohms.
Keen if you could expand on this.
thegame posted more clear than I could. More detailed.

As mentioned parallel series is a more modern sound than than series parallel because of the extra bottom.
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Here is something from Ted Weber...

"connecting two speakers in parallel is an old trick to smooth out speaker response and enhance the damping of either speaker. HIFI designers took it one step further by connecting two speakers of different sizes in parallel. A speaker has a large impedance increase at its fundamental resonance, and depending on the installation, this can cause the speaker to sound boomy or out of control. By connecting two speakers in parallel, particularly two speakers of different sizes with different resonant frequencies, each speaker will tend to quench or dampen the boominess of the other. Since no two speakers are exactly alike, even two of the same size, that damping will occur, however slight, for any speakers connected in parallel. For speakers connected in series, there appears to be less control, and more of what is called 'back EMF' from the speakers fed back into the output circuit. While that seems rather chaotic, many players prefer the series connection, as it gives them a more textured tone, enhanced breakup, and overall a more desireable tone for guitar work. It's totally subjective, of course, and many factors affect the end result, such as voice coil size, gap energy, closed back/open back, output circuit damping, etc. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is try both arrangements since you have the luxury of impedance tap selection, and go with the configuration you like the best."