This is a great video, and i love Nolly. Here’s the thing: Speakers are an absolute crapshoot/lottery, they just are. Nolly has spent more time than most, but there are people I respect just as much who have done just as much nerding out on this as Nolly has; the consensus is, speakers really are a lottery. For every engineer that prefers the 01-03 Mesa speakers, I can name you a handful of engineers who recorded huge records with 2008 and upwards Mesa cabs on everything: a good sounding speaker is a good sounding speaker. I have Marshall vintages from 92-2005, and I haven’t found personally In the 30 or so I’ve owned, to take on certain characteristics during certain years. With that said, Nolly is fantastic, and made arguably one of if not the best in my opinion, impulse responses of his favorite Mesa cabs with GGD, definitely check that out.