When was the last time

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When was the last time you broke out the metronome? I have my picking on notice...nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It's all out economy/sweeps and everything else by the book. Been years since the metronome has been in play and it really REALLY helped. Got me through some sections I've been having issues with and after it "clicked" it was all business😎
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I put my metronome away around 1987 and started using it again in 2021. A great way to stay in focus and measure progress.
Far too long ago
But you are right, for some stuff it can be very helpful ...i think i am just too lazy to work with it :rolleyes:
And we all carry one around all day now.

For me it always helps but I have to push it, i.e. turn it up to where I can’t quite keep up cleanly and just try to keep up. Not all the time of course but at some point I have to push it too far to get the most out of it.
I would say it's probably been around 15 years plus for me. I used to use it quite a bit but to be honest it really never seem to improve my picking.
While I haven’t sat down with just a click and ran scales since high school, whenever I’m writing/tracking a song I’m always doing it to a click and 98% of the time I write something I can’t play efficiently without practicing it. Right now I’m working on a 210bpm thrash song and getting the palm muted 16th note triplets consistently for 4 straight minutes is a fucking bitch for me, so I’ve been practicing to just the click to get it up to speed cleanly before pressing R a bunch of times and bombing.
When I was 18, i was a metrenome aholic and blazing until I went too far and did some damage to my hand.

So, the moral of the story is, don't just dust that thing off and go bonkers, work it in slowly.
I'll use mine when practicing scales and other rudiments, where I want to ensure my right and left hands are having to coordinate against an unforgiving external time source.

When I was in a band, we'd always rehearse to a metronome. Each person can have their own objective sense of tempo and time, and tend to practice to their own internal metronome. If you want everyone on the same page when it comes to performing as an ensemble, they need to practice at the right tempo. Just like notes, rhythms, dynamics, and everything else, tempo is also something you can practice.
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Way too long. I used one exclusively every day for the first 4-5 years that I played. I still run through some sort of basic technique workout every evening with no amp - but I’m just relying on my own internal tempo. I have no doubt that if I turned on the metronome, Id see that my tempo Has more ups and downs than a newlywed couple - and I doubt I’d be able to match the tempos I had established for most sequences back in the day. This is a good thread - I’m gonna break it out and take my beating like a man!
Metronome? What is this sorcery of which you speak??

Nah, never. Probably should. I always just put a record on, tape in, back in the day and just played along to tunes..I grew up with my mother playing piano and I was a grade school trumpet kid. Until I forced my parents to buy me my first guitar.
Probably should have taken lessons but never did. Seemed to work out ok though.
Only when recording parts for a song.

It does help though so I’m trying to use it more often.
After I got back into using the metronome it reminded me of another practice technique I had not used since the 80s--bending notes to pitch with a tuner. I knew my bends were off at times, but it was even worse than I thought.
After I got back into using the metronome it reminded me of another practice technique I had not used since the 80s--bending notes to pitch with a tuner. I knew my bends were off at times, but it was even worse than I thought.
Same here, I just don't use the tuner necessarily. I swap back and forth between Gibson scale, Fender scale, E standard, and E flat guitars in multiple combinations when I'm practicing so that I'm constantly having to tweak my bending to get it as close to in tune as my ear will allow.
I record to a click instead of drums so I use one quite a bit. It sucks and I hate it.
I'll bust one out every now and then and even teach others with one but I don't use it near enough.Thx for the reminder that I need to get with it my friend!
After I got back into using the metronome it reminded me of another practice technique I had not used since the 80s--bending notes to pitch with a tuner. I knew my bends were off at times, but it was even worse than I thought.
I do unison bends to practice that. Like that climbing unison bend thing Nugent does at the end of the opening solo in Stranglehold.
Well you fools better get to work this year, some are already wayy ahead but I'm gaining fast. Time to move beyond first gear you dogs....pick slanting and even numbers/economy picking two way pick slanting, odd numbers and....your METRONOME😎