Well-known member
This. But given the differences in exposures in the pics, the RW looks more suited to the guitar IMHO.The exposure of the pictures is very different. I like the darker rosewood.
This. But given the differences in exposures in the pics, the RW looks more suited to the guitar IMHO.The exposure of the pictures is very different. I like the darker rosewood.
I def went thru an SRV phase early in his career starting with Bowie but all the ensuing zoot suit wannabe bloozemen turned me off to blues so bad. But Trower? He was my guy pre VH. Love me some Trower...but Rosewood on this guitar. Which is very non-Ed as well.Well I'm sure they both sound good. It comes down to Maple for Trower and Rosewood for SRV..
Choose wisely.. LOL