Which one of you dickheads is this?

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You don't think the combo of sheer volume(=feedback) @92-98dB (see his meter), tons of gain and processing (AD/DA) could at least partially be the cause?
The dude is standing a few feet away from his cabs with a Strat (even with a humbucker bridge).
If I'm boosting my Engl Savage 60 on the lead channel at home, standing 4-5 feet (~1.2m to 1.5m) from the cab and I turn a humbucker equipped axe towards the 2x12 cab, chances are it will howl as well. Even at 85-90dB playing volume. And I don't have a fridge full of 80's gear tied up in between.
I just think it’s over gained and needs a hate . Then it’s fine
Braddah dey jus wen shut down da BackDoor Shootout cuz got small....Ehukai / Pupukea sandbars are firing right now, you should go you know.....
I'll get my bacon down there soon enough... Just finishing up xmas family festivities in one part of the world before I get back to "doing" other parts of the world (read: salty shacks woooooOOOOT!!!!)

spent all morning terracing/doing yardwork on our hill out back. jus pau—all cabbage da back🥵
but sounds sick! maybe tomorrow🤙🏽
How's sunset been?? Rock piles?? Anyone out in them zones???
Cleans always sound huge through my SD3000s, Lexicon MPX1...WDW setup. Gainy stuff is just too washed out though. But, still fun to play from time to time.
He's got twice the rack stuff I have though. Definitely sounds like a microphonic tube in there somewhere.
Waiting for the new V guy troll to show up and shit all over this.
That was just my practice room.
You should see my main jam room,much cooler gear!

Seriously,where do you guys work to afford that amount of quality gear?

I don’t make a ton, but if I didn’t have kids my bathroom would look like the video, except different gear