So I swapped the bad JJ I had in V1 with a Shuguang based on your reco and thought that was a massive improvement, definitely agree with the saturation and maybe some extra freqs or clarity? Hard to tell due to the original JJ going bad. Don't think I'd go back to a JJ for the V1.
Swapped in a Tung Sol for the PI since that was my most balanced 12AX7 on hand, didn't notice much change and the the original JJ was just as balanced and same gain level according to my Orange tester so wound up leaving it in.
I've got a couple Mullards I could try out too.
The amps been noisy lately and I thought it was the tubes but after swapping out a bunch and testing every single one I finally remembered I have the front MV and gains basically maxed lol, so that's on me.