White hardware.

just the knobs for now. I wan to see how this holds up, then I'm prolly gonna grab some sperzels.

That's the stuff I used. I just disassembled everything and took 230 grit sandpaper to the parts to rough them up. I cleaned all the parts really really well afterwards. I masked off certain areas I didnt want pain, basically everywhere where metal contacted metal.follow the instructions on that paint can, and don't get too excited. Let your stuff dry for at LEAST the 24 hours required by the can. I did 48 for some parts. The stuff dries really hard, so I'm not worried about shipping. I'm gonna do it to another guitar soon.
Hmmm. Do you think it would work on the screws in pickups?
I think I wanna add covers to pickups and spray those white too...and the screws on the pups.

I really wanna do this.
Great....I will try it soon. So how do you think you would go about painting the saddles and stuff like that on your bridge? Or are you going too?
Actually, the saddles on my bridge are pretty fucked. I'm going to eventually buy a whole new bridge assembly, and either get chrome saddles, or go with some of these, as long as I can find the correct sizes.

Did you get the spray locally? Where did you find it? And is that all you needed? Do you recommend sanding 1st even if I dont want to rough it all up?
you need to rough it up just a bit so that you give the paint a good surface to adhere to. It IS epoxy after all. I just got the paint at ACE Hardware.
I will, but honestly I might just see how much powder coating will cost. If its not too much I may just do it instead. If I powder coat do you think the whole bridge and tuners can be coated? Or will the screws not be able to work properly?