Who here has been banned from TheGearPage TGP?

  • Thread starter Thread starter BrentSP
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It’s funny, because they don’t talk much about gays or anal sex over there. You guys here are obsessed with both.
You would be extremely intimate with this due to YOU being a HEAVY user.

This is the thread I started and also followed up with the Tweet by Bill Ackerman from Twitter

Silicon Valley Bank~The Beginning of the End?


16th largest Bank in the country.

Silicon Valley Bank, the nation’s 16th-largest bank, failed after depositors hurried to withdraw money this week amid anxiety over the bank’s health. It was the second biggest bank failure in U.S. history after the collapse of Washington Mutual in 2008.

The bank served mostly technology workers and venture capital-backed companies, including some of the industry's best-known brands.

“This is an extinction-level event for startups,” said Garry Tan, CEO of Y Combinator, a startup incubator that launched Airbnb, DoorDash and Dropbox and has referred hundreds of entrepreneurs to the bank. “I literally have been hearing from hundreds of our founders asking for help on how they can get through this. They are asking, ‘Do I have to furlough my workers?’”

LOOK AT THIS NEXT PART OF THIS NEWS ARTICLE: There appeared to be little chance of the chaos spreading in the broader banking sector, as it did in the months leading up to the Great Recession. The biggest banks — those most likely to cause an economic meltdown — have healthy balance sheets and plenty of capital.

What do you think? Is there going to be a run on Banks? Is the ripple effect from this collapse going to create a financial free fall that cannot be saved by the Fed flooding the system with "printed" money?

At the time of its failure, Silicon Valley Bank, which is based in Santa Clara, California, had $209 billion in total assets, the FDIC said. It was unclear how many of its deposits were above the $250,000 insurance limit, but previous regulatory reports showed that lots of accounts exceeded that amount.

SVB’s website note that it “bank nearly half of all US venture-backed startups, and 44% of the US venture-backed technology and healthcare companies that went public in 2022 are SVB clients.” This was one of the remaining sectors of the US economy that led the world in innovation and massive commerce. This will not be brushed under the rug and bailed out. There is going to be a major event in the next couple of weeks. One that will be remembered for years to come. How sound are the assets in your bank? Soft Landing?

This was one of the remaining sectors of the US economy that led the world in innovation and massive commerce. This will not be brushed under the rug and bailed out. There is going to be a major event in the next couple of weeks. One that will be remembered for years to come. How sound are the assets in your bank? Soft Landing?


The thread is political in nature, as Newsom has ties to SVB.

Hmmm... I wonder if the person that reported you is in the Bay area? :unsure:
The thread is political in nature, as Newsom has ties to SVB.

Hmmm... I wonder if the person that reported you is in the Bay area? :unsure:
Did I HEAR YOU say BigMike did it? It would be his speed.
It’s funny, because they don’t talk much about gays or anal sex over there. You guys here are obsessed with both.
Well, let’s be real. The word ”poopy” will get you banned over there. Unless you are one of the annointed anyway.

TGP is enforced/artificial harmony. I think there are many topics that are not discussed today that would be if people thought they could get away with it.
Does that make you uncomfortable that TGP doesn’t talk about anal subjects?
Is this why you prefer to be here?
Does it make me uncomfortable that there is an obvious obsession with homosexuality and anal play here? Not particularly. All of you being preoccupied with pedophilia is a bit concerning. Picasso has some demons, that’s for sure.
Does it make me uncomfortable that there is an obvious obsession with homosexuality and anal play here? Not particularly. All of you being preoccupied with pedophilia is a bit concerning. Picasso has some demons, that’s for sure.
You REALLY think so?

You would be extremely intimate with below due to YOU being a HEAVY user. Is it THAT helpful for those hard days?

Does it make me uncomfortable that there is an obvious obsession with homosexuality and anal play here? Not particularly. All of you being preoccupied with pedophilia is a bit concerning. Picasso has some demons, that’s for sure.

Ok, Dude. We’re getting somewhere ?

Do you think your inner consciousness finds great enjoyment in the anal talk?
Do you think Perhaps it could possibly be exactly what’s drawing you here?
Ok, Dude. We’re getting somewhere ?

Do you think your inner consciousness finds great enjoyment in the anal talk?
Do you think Perhaps it could possibly be exactly what’s drawing you here?
Sorry, no. I hope you don’t judge me for that. Are you trying to groom me?