Who here thinks the outcome of the 2024 election will be determined on guitar forums ?

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<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/3ohs4jO0azuqvRyms0" width="480" height="459" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

Oh it will, certainly.

This particular geetar forum is the birthplace of all good ideas and the primary influencer of all opinion in this world.

If you live here in the back room smokin' the Cubans and never step a foot outside of this hallowed premises, you'll agree 100%. It all happens here! :rock: :cheers2:
Typical from a low brow like you.

Watch the news man. It's all falling apart.

I predict Ali Alexander is going to be the one to flip.

He's already given the committee a ton of stuff and
has agreed to testify, under penalty of perjury, if needed.

He's fingered 3 sitting congressmen and they're all on the major defensive.

It's going to blow open. Once one little bird starts chirping we're
going to hear a cacophony of folks with loose lips.

I can't wait just because of knuckle scrappers like you Brother Arty.
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Typical low brow crap from a Trumpster.

Watch the news man. It's all falling apart.

I predict Ali Alexander is going to be the one to flip.

He's already given the committee a ton of stuff and
has agreed to testify, under penalty of perjury, if needed.

He's fingered 3 sitting congressmen and they're all on the major defensive.

It's going to blow open. Once one little bird starts chirping we're
going to hear a cacophony of folks with loose lips.

I can't wait just because of knuckle scrappers like you Brother Arty.
Fuck you Donnie you liberal socialist piece of shit
Don't think forums matter at all.
People have been dug-in for 5 years & will remains so.
Hats & buttons are cute but elections are won county by county in the booth by voters.
Keith's posting about gay black sex again.
What is fucking wrong with you Keith?

You really like that post huh?
I can send you more filth via PM if you're that into it.

Fucking freak.
Such a thought can only be conceived in the mind of a psychopath or sociopath.

Or someone trying to test the boundaries of what is or isn't allowed on a forum?

Oh wait, you don't process the truth so you keeping thinking along the lines of your
freak pal Keith.