Who is using preamps / rack these days?

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I'm back to rack again...

Who else is back to rack too? Or considering it? (I know Zachman never left...)

What's in your rack(s)?

(slightly OT, what are your thoughts on Rocktron Voodu Valve rack units? any major diffs between the versions? )

Gear fund is depleted, but doesn't mean I'm not looking...preamps mostly...if they have effects too that's a nice to have. FWIW, I recenty realized I have more $ in preamps than the cost of a new Axe-FX II...add in effects and that $ comparison gets worse! Sometimes I question this and think... :doh:
I am using a POD mainly but my best amp is a rack rig and I use it when I have some room on stage, usually outdoors. It's very simple. Furman power cond, Mak4, Alesis quadraverb (yes it still works) and Fryette 2502. I also have an ADA mp-1 and use it occassionally through the same power amp.

I like to go against the grain. In the 80's when everyone was running full stacks and massive rack rigs I was using a combo. Now that combo's and tiny lunchbox heads are in vogue, I'm using a rack. I like to call myself a contrarian. :D
Going rack is something I've messed with bit never gone full out. I'd have to give up my Mark and that ain't happening any time soon. Been gigging heavily lately and a small grab n go rack rig and my 212 would be heavenly for loading/transporting/setup. Someday it will happen!
Ive said this before on here a while ago, weve had many occasions in a studio/practice session , where clients plug into some of our boutique amp heads and then the rack and actually preferred the rack's pre's and poweramps sound and feel...if its wired clean and properly,you will love racks and thier extreme flexibility they can have...


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Just bought a Carvin TS100 (old one with the chrome front), modded it a bit and like it a lot.
I'm using it with my DIY preamps.
I was using a rack setup for awhile, then went to heads, and I bought back my Black Beauty so I will have a head and rack setup. I just love the ability to mix and match different flavors with each other. The best rhythm tone I have had to date is a VHT GP3 through a Mesa 2:100 plugged straight in.
21_guitars":kqfylkkw said:
Wow! :worship:

Bad Cat? Never seen one of those before.

I have too much rack to list. Even my "amps" are rack, lol.

One of my buddies is now Artist relations at Bad Cat and I am trying to swing a Bad Cat pre like B's. His is the only one I've seen.
Still rocking this rig all the time. I have been doing a bunch of gigs with my Elmwood setup but every time I plug into the rack, I have a HUGE smile on my face :rock: :rock:

I'm putting together a rack right now. My gsp1101 works so darn well with my combo or head and cab that I figured might as well simplify and use a small rack set-up. So far I have the gsp1101, rjm amp gijmo, and a matrix gt800 amp. Still researching and looking at preamps. So far I like the mesa studio pre, engl e530 or maybe an AMT ss-10 but open to anything. studio pre looks the most promising so far. Keeping my eyes open for a good deal on a preamp.
I gig with an Eleven Rack, GCX (with GCP), Midiverb III, assorted pedals on a slide-out shelf, EQ and a Mesa Simul 2-90. I run it stereo into an ancient Carvin 4x12.

I also pulled my old 80's rack rig out of mothballs for the practice space: Digitech GSP21, Midiverb III and a Peavey Classic 60.
Im still madly in love with the Langner pre/Marshall Dual Monoblock combo with an REV7 in between, 30 years later they still amaze me everytime I fire them up :yes:
I've been thinking about a Mesa Racktifier lately... there does't seem to be many options for my sound out there from preamps.
I still have mine as a backup rig and if its a really small venue i just bring the rack (stero power amp 2 pre amps=2 guitarists 6 rack spaces)
I'm running an old boss gx700 with a peavey 60/60 power amp not to bad of a sound.
I run a digitech 1101 into a Mesa 50/50 power amp and love it!
I think I would just get an Axe-FX II and a poweramp and call it a day :)
AxeFx 2 and Rocktron power amp into a Greenback-loaded Marshall for me.
I've been running a rack setup for the last 4 years. I recently acquired a VHT Pittbull 50/cl and Diezel 2x12 that I use for a grab n' go. I also use the FX return of the VHT to power the dry side of my W/D/W setup. Yes racks can be ridiculously complicated, heavy, impractical, etc, but I have been immensely satisfied with the tone and flexibility I get compared to a traditional head/cab setup.

I use an ADA MP1 into Cab IRs for writing/practice but it may be good enough for serious recording, surprisingly.

After asking a lot of people on Forums if MP1's were good for warm Marshall Tones I snagged one off E-Bay which had "noise mods " but nothing else done.

The demos of ADA MP1s especially on YouTube usually make it sound really bad-so I had my doubts.

I use it for Plexi type and smooth modded Marshall Tones for medium gain Fusion tones- this one sounds surprisingly good, I often use a Tone really close to Jimi's "Watchtower " intro tone-and the MP1 nails that and stays clear even with more gain.

I'm going to be checking out the 4 Channel Engl , The Mako, and seeing what Preamps Quinn and Suhr come up with , and/ or possibly padding down an Amp Head in late 2012 as I do much more recording.

I'm using more Classic, singing tones, from '60s and especially '80s , but somewhat lower gain.